boxing anyone?


Active Member
i am wanting to get into boxing.. not like full out but as like a side hobby. Do any of you guys do it? note that i have never boxed before. you huys got some tips and like techniques for boxing? Like what type of stance and how to hit etc?
Thanks guys


I did briefly in my teens but quickly learned i liked Basketball and football ALOT more than getting punched in the face!!! :scared:
Try to find a decent gym in your area, there should be one and they can get you started and give you all the tips you need.
I'm pretty sure ive seen Txreef say he amatuer boxed, see if you can talk to him?
Best tip: make sure your wrists are taped well before you go after the heavy bag with force or you will feel it!


Active Member
Why boxing if you dont mind me asking? I dont see any reason to box unless you plan to do it competitively. There are far better ways to get in shape and still remember what you had for breakfast.


Actually, boxing is one of the best ways to get in shape and build endurance and stamina. Other than maybe wrestling practice(those coaches are sadistic!!!) NOTHING will wipe you out more than a boxing workout.
Also, it never hurts to know how to defend yourself if you have to in high school or anywhere else


Active Member
Dan, have you considered mixed martial arts? That way you'll be exposed to boxing, grappling, Ju Jitzu, Muy Thai and then after you train for awhile you can enter a cage and fight Chuck Liddell.
Just a thought.

tx reef

Active Member
If there is not a gym in your area that has someone who knows something about boxing, then you will have a hard time.
Both of you should buy headgear and gloves. I used 16 ounce gloves to work out with, but you should probably go with 12 ounce. They will wear your arms out more than you think.
Buy a heavy bag (70 lbs will be fine), speed bag, bag gloves, wraps for your hands, and a jump rope.
You really need someone who knows how to box to watch you so you don't develop any bad habits. I was a good puncher, but my stance and footwork were horrible.
Also, do not lift weights. Do pull-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, jump rope, and run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Also, do not lift weights. Do pull-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, jump rope, and run.
I am genuinely curious as to why a boxer should not lift weights?

tx reef

Active Member
You do not want to bulk up. If you lift weights, you will build short tight muscles that fatigue easily.
Hitting the heavy bag, running, push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, and jump rope is plenty of excercise and the right kind of excercise for a boxer.

30-xtra high

Active Member
how to hit- hard.
my acoholic grandpa used to box for a hobby. meanest drunk i've ever met. i'd keep it as a side hobby for sure... but he boxed for money, but we have some pictures of him in the ring with the ref. holding my g-pa's arm in the air with the other guy on the ground ko'd, and it looks pretty sweet.
just make sure to have fun with it


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i am wanting to get into boxing.. not like full out but as like a side hobby. Do any of you guys do it? note that i have never boxed before. you huys got some tips and like techniques for boxing? Like what type of stance and how to hit etc?
Thanks guys

I would tell you to find your self a muay thai school, which is basically kick boxing, regular boxing is fading out, the boxing public are now turning to mma, not to mention there is nothing better then landing a nice thai kick to the leg and watching that persons face turn into pain.

eel freak

me and my friends box alot sometimes it gets into a 14 man free for all but mostly we go 1v1 but usually ends up a street fight most of time for fun best advice is do not cheap shot stick to boxing cause in street fighting we have gotten hurt before .
and in street fighting we have kicked each other i the faces but it is not to try to hurt each other it is just kids having fun. but we are all still friends


Active Member
i did amateur club boxing while in college in mt. say good bye to fast food/fried etc. see if you can find any places that do fight night around your area. vitamins get some vitamin c for when you start bruising lol. if your starting it up as a hobby you may want to buy a punching bag ($75) and some light gloves and wraps($20). see if you can last 1 minute constantly punching (not as easy as you think) amateur club boxing is usually 3 1min rounds and your beat afterwards if your not in some kind of shape.
you can see if theres a boxing gym in your area but if you do club boxing the people barely have experience so dont feel like your the newbie...most of them are. and hey you get paid like 125 if you win and 75 if you either way you get something lol.


Active Member
i did kick boxing for a few years and it was alot of fun, on of my relatives used to do bozingand she is fricking like 100 lbs but she could tear a face up


Active Member
Many know my past and I am a never-was. Never worth a dang in the ring but I did the boxing thing through highschool and all through college. Training is INTENSE. You will never in your life be more humbled than being 20 years old and in your top shape Heavyweight and then have your trainer beat you with one hand because of experience. Its not about hurting someone its about science and sport, get a legitimate trainer and they will never hurt you or tell you rubbish.