Boxing Crab


No they are peaceful. I've had one in my tank for about 3 weeks. The thing that sucks is I've only seen him once. It's frustrating. He even had his pom poms when I put him in there. He still did when I saw him. It's been a little over a week since I last saw him.


Do you feed it the same way you feed the rest of your crabs or do they eat something special. I am thinking about buying one. It looks really cute!


Honestly I just feed the fish and stuff like a normally do and I have some pellets that drop to the ground as well. My crabs and shrimp seem to love these things. I've never actually seen him eat. The one time I saw him though he looked fine so he's eating lol. Most of my crabs just eat the pellets and whatevers on the rocks. On this site it says they'll drag their anemones along the ground to pick of food as well. You don't have to do anything special just feed normally.