Boxing Crab


So I was wondering about Boxing Crabs or Pom Pom Crabs. i havent really ever seen one in a tank before and have not really head much about them beside on this site. is that b/c they are hard to keep alive or are they just not well liked. i read perfectdarks thread about his having a mushroom on its claw. so do they come with the anemones on or do you have to have these tiny anemones in your tank to start with.
Just wondering on your thought about getting one we have a 165 bow front tank so i would belive it big enough for it but would it be a good idea on getting one.


they are great little crabs they usually come with 2 anemones so its rare when they don't
they eat most flake foods and meaty stuff u usually feed fish=P
165 is big a little too big so u can get one if u want but u will have to look really good to find it lol, so more then one would be a good idea
but what do u have in ur tank b/c they crabs are small and some fish can eat them

Check out my new tank i plan on making it a advance invert reef so i plan on at least geting a pair of these pom pom crabsif not more


ok sweet, nice tank so fare cant wait to see everything up and running.
we have
-1 big naso
-1 big sail fin tang
-a flame angle (biggest i have ever seen)
-2 false purculas
-1 hawk fish
-1purple wrasse
-1 purple tang
-2 little crappy fish dad added then
-11 Copper BTA
-1 Fire Shrimp
- sails


Active Member
I love mine.

I 'bout crapped my pants yesterday though; he molted again, but I thought it was him. (I had ran out of salt and didn't do a water change for a week + 1/2) But, I found him later.
Mine isn't active, hardly at all. Mostly at night/early morning when no one is around.
I think mine runs + hides if he hears a footstep within 100 feet.
But Very cool when he's out!

This, was a fluke:

This was at 3 a.m.


Active Member
You have 11 BTA's?!? That's Awesome!!
I'm worried about the hawkfish mostly, they can be predatorious with small crabs and shrimp. Has it ever shown aggression towards your fire shrimp?


Great Pic HowardJ,
How big of a tank do you have, are they easy to care for?
No the hawk fish hasnt down anything to our shrip so everything seens ok for now.


ya we have 11 BTAs they seem to split every full moon or so, so we get another 4-5 every full moon we sold 12 of them when we had 22. we got sick of them killing everything so we sold them. Great money if you can get them off of the dang rock haha


Active Member
Thanks :)
12 gallon
Easiest thing I have.. He gets extra food on the floor, I really don't have to do anything but feed the fish, and he cleans up. :cool:


thanks for the info. ill have to go look and see if i can pick a couple up at the store next time im in there.
thanks agian


Active Member
Originally Posted by lank
ya we have 11 BTAs they seem to split every full moon or so, so we get another 4-5 every full moon we sold 12 of them when we had 22. we got sick of them killing everything so we sold them. Great money if you can get them off of the dang rock haha
Wow! I bet. That is awesome though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by HowardJ
You have 11 BTA's?!? That's Awesome!!
I'm worried about the hawkfish mostly, they can be predatorious with small crabs and shrimp. Has it ever shown aggression towards your fire shrimp?
My hawkfish ATE my boxer crab...