Boxing Crabs


I've seen quiet a few pic of these and they are pretty cool looking. Can these be kept in a 20g?? I checked the sales part of this site and it doesn't say, does say however they are rarely available to the hobbyist. Input anyone?


There pretty small so I'd say yes they can be. Keep in mind they tend to hide a lot. I've had mine for a couple months maybe and I've seen him 3 times since I put him in my tank. He's awesome when i see him though. Still has his pom poms too!


I put my boxer crab in my 10 gal nano tank, so I would think a 20 gallon would be suitable. They stay quite small.
I'm not sure how long I've had him 3 months now. He does stay hidden alot.
he molted once at least, I found his whole exo-skeleton.... thought it was him dead!
But spotted him again a couple of weeks later..... alive and well! :cheer:
Still waves those pom poms around . I tend to spot him in the evening when I turn the bright lights off and only the acenitc (sp?) lights are on.... he has his own little cave he has claimed.
Here's a pic when I first got him.



Active Member
Originally Posted by rubytoo
I put my boxer crab in my 10 gal nano tank, so I would think a 20 gallon would be suitable. They stay quite small.
I'm not sure how long I've had him 3 months now. He does stay hidden alot.
he molted once at least, I found his whole exo-skeleton.... thought it was him dead!
But spotted him again a couple of weeks later..... alive and well! :cheer:
Still waves those pom poms around . I tend to spot him in the evening when I turn the bright lights off and only the acenitc (sp?) lights are on.... he has his own little cave he has claimed.
Here's a pic when I first got him.

What do you spot feed yours?
Any yes, a 20 is fine for them.


I have a clown goby and a pajama cardinal in the tank , also. so every few days I feed them mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and cyclopleze....
Occassionally I feed them some flake food and little pieces of crab meat,etc when I feed the bigger fish in the 55 gallon tank,
so I have to assume the crab fills up on these also......