Boy did I screw up


I have been away for work for the last 6 months and left my son in charge of my 210 reef. only to come home to the fish doing well but the lr and the coral have been taken over by Aiptasia and not just a little it is every where. when I tried to treat, It only gets worse. I did not know that they can even swim blew me away. I now have a copperband and 6 peppermint shrimp for the last 4 weeks and even getting worse. I cant say it enough that there must be tens of hundred of them. and they are in my corals. has anyone come back back from this? Or do I need to start over?


I've noticed that Peppermint Shrimp work slow. When you give up on them cleaning up the Aiptasia, that is when they start. If you really have a lot then you might want to buy some Berghia Nudibranch. The only thing they eat is Aiptasia.


its going to take some time before it gets better, but i wouldnt give up just yet... if they havent killed your corals and fish there is HOPE!


Peppermints won't eat the larger ones, they'll attempt to, which will irritate the aiptasia, causing it to release more spores and create little babies for the peppermints to eat. So in this way, the peppermint shrimp can actually perpetuate the problem :-/
Berghia Nudibranch's might be the way to go for you. Also, and although I rarely recommend them, look into Aiptasia Eating Filefish.


I had the same trouble with those dang things in my live rock. I ended up with a dozen peppermint shrimp and it took about two months,but the little buggers actually cleaned up all the Aiptasia. The trick is don't feed the shrimp to many other things or they won't eat what they are supposed to. The Copperband will do what it can, but it can be overwhelming at first. Patients! You'll get through this. This to, shall pass!


Active Member
sorry for the situation man.
I also don't usually recommend them, but I agree with BTLD that a Filefish would probably be an option.
Do you have any pics of the tank in it's current state?


Active Member
The berghia's would also be a great option, but you would also want to have a plan to give them away once they eradicate the aiptasia.


Active Member
i have use peppermint shrimp.i had hundreds in my 90 .this was years ago but.i did notice if you only get a few shrimp they dont do much.i would get a dozen they will get at it.maybe take some back to the store when they are done.also joes juice for the bigger ones .


Active Member
I honestly would consider calling a LFS and asking if they buy LR. I know mine do. Get whatever you can for it and put that money towards new LR.