Bozo has FINALLY broken away from his PH...


Active Member
Ever since the demise of my devil's hand, my male false perc has taken quite kindly to a...uh...powerhead, yeah, a powerhead has been home for the little guy. the last few weeks I've been observing that he is finally being hosted by my green fuzzy mushrooms, right along side his lady-love, Cookie. I'm so happy that they've finally moved in together!!
Pics to follow.
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
Cool pics. My clowns hosted feather dusters till they stressed them all to death. One of the clowns has been hovering around my bta and nipping at it so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Cool pics. My clowns hosted feather dusters till they stressed them all to death. One of the clowns has been hovering around my bta and nipping at it so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Good luck with that. I hope my clowns don't stress my beautiful mushrooms!! YIKES!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
The 'srooms should be fine. My two stupid clowns host my yellow polyps instead to host one of the 3 GBTA in the tank.


I don't have anything to host my clown so it settled for some barnacle shells some snails tipped over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BBB
I don't have anything to host my clown so it settled for some barnacle shells some snails tipped over.

I was surprised that they didn't make my frogspawn home, but at least they're not hanging out in the equipment any more.

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Cool pics. My clowns hosted feather dusters till they stressed them all to death. One of the clowns has been hovering around my bta and nipping at it so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

One of the clowns has black spots (I think it's called hypermelinzation?) on it so I'm hoping, hoping...


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
One of the clowns has black spots (I think it's called hypermelinzation?) on it so I'm hoping, hoping...
Here's hoping with you!!
My clowns are so happy in their new habitat...and I think that their new habitat is happy with the attention!! Never thought it would happen...

Lisa :happyfish

reef diver

Active Member
Nice lisa, I really need to figure out a way to feed my anemone, without his "buddy" stealing its food!, Still tring to work it out, but great lookin clowns you got there. Whenm you first said that he had taken to a powerhead, I thought you meant he was dead from it. LOL