Brackish Water Fish?


Does anyone in this forum know about Brackish fish?
I have 55 gal brackish tank with 4 puffers; 2 green spotted, a figure eight, and a green ceylon. I also have 2 green scats a mono argentus and 2 columbian sharks.
I have had the tank for about a year and a half and I have slowly raised the specific gravity to where it is now 1.012.
I know that the mono and scats need full salt as they mature but my question is can all of these fish live in saltwater and if so, how long?
Any help would be greatly appreciated


:happyfish hi, I had a green spotted that I aclimated to my tank and the specific gravity of my fish only full salt tank is .024. That was back when I first started so I didn't know about puffers. The LFS I bought him from had him in a full on salt tank, so I didn't know, and they didn't either. It wasn't until I did some research that I found out they were brackish, but through the research I found that lots of people do it, so it must be ok. Just research it before you go ahead. It worked for me but may not for you. I guess in the wild they sometimes will live in full salt levels for years, and then return to brackish. You don't have a big enough tank for all your puffers though. I'm sure they are small though, so you have some time. I had a full size green spotted for 1 year, and he was 5+inches, and fat. I had to trade him in because he was to aggressive. Good luck, and hope I helped.


Member can convert your brackish to full marine with no adverse effect.......but make sure you do it gradually......from my experience actually puffers and scat/mono do significantly better in full marine...they are less susceptible to diseases like ick..etc....and they also show more intense color......with equal appetite..