bragging board!!!!

sea worthy

Hey everyone!!! whats the longest you have ever kept a saltwater fish? please name species! :jumping: Come on everyone,Post "em"


2 - false perc clowns
1 - royal gramma
not a record by far, but my first tank (a 24 gallon Nano), had them for 7.5 months.
got a coral banded shrimp and a goldenhead sleeper goby for about 5 months.
lots of zoos and corals that are now beginning to grow.


I had a blue ring octopus for almost 13 months. I know that doesn't sound long but from what I have researched in the wild this is their typical lifespan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moby
I had a blue ring octopus for almost 13 months. I know that doesn't sound long but from what I have researched in the wild this is their typical lifespan.
BLUE RING OCTOPUS?? I've only seen these once, and that was at a LFS that got them accidentally!! They ordered "tropical pacific octopus" and thats what they got. Luckily, Mike knew not to sell them (didnt want the liability risk) so he just didnt feed them, and let them die. Do you happen to have any pics? These are some small octopus..they don't get real big. They're actually really pretty..too bad they're so deadly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
so far 13 yrs ... it's a yellow tailed damsel and i still have it..... my backyard


7 years for my Tomato took an earthquake to kill him...falling LR squished him as well as cracking the tank glass...that is the only tank I lost to an earthquake...knock on wood...tank didn't fall over....


I had a perc clown, and a yellow tail damsel for over three years, as of 2 weeks ago. I took the damsel back to the LFS because she was nipping at my new perc clown. My original clown thought the water was bluer on the other side of the glass. 3 years and he turns to base jumping.


Active Member
I've had a scooter Blenny for 8 months. I've been lucky so far it isn't dead bought it when the tank was 3 months old. We didn't research before we bought.


I bought the blue ring back in 92, when I think most folks didn't realize they are lethal
(no anti-venom!). The LFS ordered it for me special and I had to sign a contract to not sue or seek any recourse if it killed me or anyone else!
He was very cool, I only had about a years worth of SWF experience at the time, but Alex Kirstitch was a nieghbor of mine and really mentored my first few years (I would call him and pester him with questions).
The blue ring was only about the size of my thumb. Smart little guy.


I had a hitchhiker gorilla crab that survived two weeks of no power. Everyother thing in my tank died and the water was just foul but this crab lived. I almost felt bad getting rid of him but no one would take him...
Oh, lesson learned, when you have someone watch your fish make sure they know to power everything up if the power goes out...


Active Member
I have had a maroon clown for 3 years and a friend had him 4-5 years before me, that would make him around 8years.


New Member
Powder Brown Tang, 11 years in a 29 gallon in my bedroom.
I know but back then we didn't know any better, Just lost him in April.


Active Member
had my canary wrasse and coral beauty going on 15 months, through one house move, one hurricane, and one tank change.


I got a blue damsel.. 1st tank and 1st fish in it, going on 6 years and counting. I always plan on catching him and returning him to the fish store. But then he looks at me with those beady black eyes and I remember all the things he's been through(several itch out breaks, tank crashes, 3 tank upgrades, a 2 hour move, and general newby mistakes), and I know I'll never get rid of him. The little buggers kinda grown on me I guess