Brain coral dying, help!

nano reefer

Active Member
Over the last month my green open brain has taken a bad turn for the worst. He is very closed up, and you can see the white spiky skeleton. There is nothing unusual except that he is smaller and shrunk. I have had him for about a year, and have had no previous problems. He is under 150mh and actinics in my 55 gallon. Calcium is 350-400, alk is 8 dkh, and mag is 1450. Trates are 5, phosphates are 0.


Active Member
hmmm, is anything bothering him? My brain closed up for a few days once because a tiny mushroom landed next to him.(stung him i guess) if you can feed him. If all your params. are perfect and nothing is bothering him he should recover.


Active Member
There must be something causing him to close are you sure nothing is bothering him? What else is in there with him? Are there any corals that have grown close to him?


Active Member
what is ph and cal is kind of low.How long has it been in the tank,also a 150mh in a 55 it might have to be right under it

nano reefer

Active Member
closest thing is a hammer 6 inches away. Not the light, been there for a year. ph is fine. I havent fed him anything meaty for a while. Actually, for months. I feed phyto.


I have a red brain coral that just turned pink and almost looks slimy, i was told it is shedding, is this true? anyone have this happen?


Active Member
No, brains don't shed, if it's turning lighter it is bleaching and needs to be shaded. Do you have a pic of it?