I was wondering if anyone knows what happens to a brain coral when dieing..I had one for about 5 months now. today I look at him and look like it was coming off the shell bottom. PLus little smushy looking but still look like a brain coral.
light is coral life 265watt pc with true blue3 10k
55gal tank
60 lb of live rock
60-70 lb of live sand
Ph is around 8.2-8.3
am is 0
nitrite and nitrate is 0
calcuim is at about 400
have about 5 other coral all doing good
light is coral life 265watt pc with true blue3 10k
55gal tank
60 lb of live rock
60-70 lb of live sand
Ph is around 8.2-8.3
am is 0
nitrite and nitrate is 0
calcuim is at about 400
have about 5 other coral all doing good