brain coral


New Member
Would it be difficult to keep an open brain coral in a 10 gallon nano? Or at least any harder than anything else? I know that some of them get pretty big, but I may be looking at one that stays smaller, or maybe fragging it to keep it small. Thanks.


Active Member
hate to piggyback your thread but I though brains had to be under intense lighting. Correct me if I'm wrong as I'd love to have one under my 130 watt PC. Thanks.


Intense is right IMO, they will need MH lighting in almost most cases as they need to be put on the sand bed most of the time.
I can't say that others haven't gotten away with less but that is a matter of experience.
I have three myself under 940 watts of lights.


Active Member
I had a brain in my 10 gallon under 96 watts of PC lighting ... it got so big I had to give it away. Maybe I just got lucky though.
Nice to see you Thomas ...


Actually, most of the brain corals out there require only medium flow and moderate lighting. Open brains require medium flow and moderate to high lighting. If you are going to have 3 watts per gallon or more I don't see a problem.


New Member
I read that these corals come from around 100feet down, so you have to be careful how you add them into the aquarium. I have 80watts of pc lighting on a 10gal. BIGARN, was it too hard to try to frag the coral to keep some of it, or is that not possible with these brain corals?


New Member
When I said you have to be careful how you add them, I meant that you have to be careful not to hit thiem with too much lighting right away. You should gradually increase there exposure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by missile150
I read that these corals come from around 100feet down, so you have to be careful how you add them into the aquarium. I have 80watts of pc lighting on a 10gal. BIGARN, was it too hard to try to frag the coral to keep some of it, or is that not possible with these brain corals?
Your right these corals do come from pretty deep locations and they'll do fine under 4 watts/gallon of 50/50 PC's. (especially in such a short tank) As for fragging these corals it can be done but it takes over a month and i wouldn't try it...