Brain ID Help


Purchased this brain today, LFS had it placed high in the tank. Will it be ok at the same level in my tank, and does anyone know exactly what kind of brain it is? I have 130w orbit on a 29g tank. Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
my guess is a trachyphyllia. possibly a bleached red trach
I agree.
looks like it needs some serious light and food very skinny can see the skeleton showing under the flesh.
if you place it on rocks make sure the flesh isn't touching them because it can really damage them quickly. they are usually supposed to be on the sand to prevent flesh damage as they are very sensitive to abrasion.


do you think the 130w orbit will be enough for this guy if he is about mid way up in the tank? where he is sitting now, none of his skin is touching the rocks and he is secure.


Active Member
probably be fine with that lighting. I would spot feed him for a wile to help him out. (it may normally be that color but better safe than sorry, if he is bleached food can help it survive untill it regains its zooxanthellae)