Brain problem


New Member
My Blue Brain Coral has something growing on it. It looks like it is a very thick gelatin substance and it is growing quickly. Does anyone have any idea what this is and what should I do if anything?


Active Member
IF its brown jelly take it out of your tank in a seperate container and try and scrap the stuff off as much as possible. You can then put it back in the tank. Dips will help to cure it but i think you have to scrap it before you dip it or it won't get down in it.
Kent sells a great coral dip that will kill most fungus's that grow on corals. Yes it is digesting this brain from the inside out and I would definatley isolate it from my main tank if it was me. If it gets water bourne it could be devistating.


Active Member
Ya definitely NOT in the tank. You could try a toothbrush but just be careful not to damage the heathly tissue while indiscriminately brushing....