
mr. tuna

Active Member
What are your water parameters?
Your Lightings?
How long have you had it for?
Is it placed on your sand bed?

mr. tuna

Active Member
had it two years
.. So there must have been something going on recently..
Have you added, or changed anything recently?


Just curious, are brains suppose to be on the sandbed? I have one (orange open brain) up in the rocks. It stays shrunken up most of the time.
I hope your brain gets back to normal. I will be interested in hearing responses to what's causing it.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Check your ammonia, PH, nitrates, Nitrites, salinity, calcium, and phosphates. Those are the things that need to be good to keep everything healthy. Post the results if you can.


Hi MR Tuna! But do brains need to be placed on the sand for some reason?
As far as parmaters go I've not checked them for a month or so. I have an existing tank that I bought a few months ago in the Dallas area and moved it 130 miles. Made the mistake of using the existing sand bed instead of throwing it out and starting over. I have had problems since day one with my water chemistry. I do plan on doing tests this week while making up new water for a water change, and yes I use ro/di.
My pH 8.0-8.1
Nitrites pretty much zero the last time I checked.
Nitrates way high at 80.
Phosphates off the chart
Calcium usually runs around 450
Alkalinity is fine, don't remember the number.
Salinity 1.024.
I have a heavy bioload with about 20 fish. I know its too many but its what the other guy had and his chemistries were fine. I also have 160 lbs of LR with corals on every rock plus a clam.
I've been told that everything should be dying however my tank continues to thrive and looks beautiful. In fact I need to do some prunning as it is getting over run with polyps.
I've been doing water changes every week and sometimes more. Usually around 35 gls or so. (120 gl tank)Until this past month I was constantly testing the water (salifert).
I'm exhausted from all of the water changes and the worry of it all. (this is my first experience with any kind of fish)
I was told to stop worrying and stop testing cause I was driving myself crazy. It doesn't matter what I do my numbers will be high until I break down my tank and replace the sandbed. I'm hopping to get that done pretty soon. I have to hire someone to help me do it.
I thought maybe some of the other corals were stinging my brain so I've done some rearranging tonight. I'll see if it makes a difference this weekend. It's really pretty when it is all puffed out.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Hi Beamer,
Your phosphates, nitrates, PH, and salinity must be changed.
Try making your phosphates lower to 0-.50
, your PH to 8.3, your nitrates to 0, and your salinity to 1.025.
And what lighing do you have?

mr. tuna

Active Member
By the way,
Yes, brains should be placed on the sandbed due to their tissue that can be ripped on a hard surface. :yes:


That surely was a fast reply!
My tank is about 2.5 yrs old.
I've been using some buffer to get the ph up a bit.
I use PC lighting. 2 x 96 watts of ??daylight 10000K. and 2x 96 watts actinic 03.
Phosphates and nitrates will not come down until the sandbed is changed out. It doesn't seem to matter how many water changes I do.
I am using Phosban and Kent's nitrate sponge.
I have a little 5 gl fuge (I know its not much but that is all I have to work with. I plan on having a combo fuge/sump built that will be larger instead of having them separate.)It is full of cheato to help with the chemistry.
All of the fish and most of the corals and especially the clam all seem to be very happy. And I'm happier since I'm not worrying about it as much. (I'm such a worry wort! I actually lost around 15 lbs worrying about my tank dying- actually that was an added benefit ):yes:
I will be having the guy that first set up my tank come in from Dallas to change out the sandbed, plus the tank needs to be moved down the wall a few feet anyway. I'm in the process of deciding what other equipment that I want (chiller , controller, etc) so he can install it whenever he comes to do the other. I just need to decide what I want, order it and have it ready for when the tank guy gets here.
Thanks for the help,