Branck Hammer Coral Question



I just bought a piece of branch hammer coral. I put it in my tank 3 days ago. The first day it was a lot smaller then when I saw it in the f/s but now it has contracted all of the way in to the tubes and there is a little slimey stringy stuff coming from it. I heard that it is sometimes normal for it to take up to a week to come out from the change. Is this true? And what is the slimy stringy stuff coming from the top of the branches?


New Member
I have a branch hammer that really expanded nicely the morning after I brought it home. My first thought is water parameters, and my second is lighting. What do you have?


Active Member
Mycol23 is right, the stringy stuff is its guts. It is under stress. All of my corals expand within 1hr of going into my tank, sun coral was the only exception. What are the water parameters?


Water parameters are fine except my calcium which is a bit high. I run an actinic, 2 vho's and a hallide all on timers. I am going to bring my water to go get tested tomorrow. Is it too late for my hammer?


Active Member
Posting that your water is good doesnt get you the help you need, we need to see them to give you good advice. You need to add to your testing Alkalinity, Calcium, Salinity and Phosphates.
Your Hammer is prolly stressed by your alkalinity, but I can't be sure without your testing it first.