Brand NEW Nano 12GAL TANK - Need help.


I ORDER this Nano Tank from
I just set it up today - Running today Dec. 04, 2006.
I added LIVE sand, LIVE rocks, premix salt water ($1/gal from a local store)
I know I have to cycle for a few days. I read some website instruction but too much words confusing. Can you help in summary? I like to add coral / fish at the end - All suggestions / comments are greatly appreciated.
Some Features about my tank:
* 12 Gallon glass tank
* Energy efficient high output T-5 lighting (8watts x 3) - Moon light feature for coral spawning, breeding and night feeding. Lighting is hidden under canopy
* Submersible circulating pump - circulates 9 times per hour
* 3-stage filtration system - Carbon pillow and filter pads included
* Dimensions:15" H x 14" W x 16" L - Emptyweight: 26lbs. Filled weight: 96lbs
* 13lbs Live Rock
* Live sand.


costco? costco sells fish tanks? this is a first. What brand is that tank? Thats cool that it has T-5 lighting. The JBJ models of 12gal nanos come with at least 48watts of PC. Looks like your only getting 24watts of T-5. It should do okay for low light corals. Can you post some pictures of the canopy where the lights sit so I can see?


thats cool... i had no idea that costco sold fish tanks. i've heard they've got quite a deal on them there too... only like 100 dollars for one of those with the t5's


Active Member
No, No, No, the cycle does not "last a couple of days". It takes 4-6 weeks
You will need to get test kits and start testing your water . Look at the top and do a search on cycling tanks.


Hello friends.
Yes - special sale for only one week (last week).
BUT too bad - I got one set up everything ... then found out there is a licking in the back .. I have to buy different nano tank locally as a emergency transfer all rocks, sand ...
Sorry I don't have Costco anymore for now. I called and the manufacturer today and they said they will send me a replacement but anyway i think I don't need it anymore.
The cost is $108 included shipping & tax.


what if you used live rock from your established reef tank and you just buy life sand and use real salt water that they sell at ***** (I belive the brand is oceanic, it is real saltwater) and you let your tank just sit there for 4weeks, without fish or anything, woulld that mean your tank will not cycle until you start doing water changes? Or does that mean it wont need to cycle since your using everything that is already established and has the bacteria in.


Good question ibaskball.
Here is my new tank set up today (the COSTCO tank will be returned tomorrow)
Very New to salt water tank. There is still lots of things to learn.
Just set up running. Hope it will turn out nice.
All procedure helps, suggestion, comments are appreciated.
My tank feature:
* Live Sand, Live Rock 13lbs, Premix salt water ($1/gal local store)
* 12Gal Aquapod
* 1-27W Dual Sunpaq Daylight 6700k/10000k (Current USA brand)
* 1-27W Dual Sunpad Actinic 420nm/460nm (Current USA brand)
* CMF Cooling fan
* Built-in Nocturnal Blue Lunar lights
* Rear Overflow Filter system
* Pump
* Ceramic Rings, Biolballs, Activated Carbon.



Active Member
Nice tank. Check out your other thread in the reef tanks forum for my comments.
As for the cycle. If you use cured LR, the cycle can go much faster. My tank cycled in about a week.


Thanks Jack
Took me an hour for set up that rock - Those are live cured rocks.
So after this cycle for a week - What I need to add in?


Active Member
You don't need to add anything... depends on what you want to do.
And I'm not saying your cycling will only take a week, I'm just saying that with cured LR the cycle can
(as in might) be shorter than typical cycles. Water tests are the only way to know for sure.


I've been talking to my lfs about my upcoming 6 gallon tank, and the guys there say that if you are using a lot of lr, cycling won't take nearly as long in a small tank. I'm also going to be using about 4 gallons of water they sell there that is already cycled with bacteria and everything in it, so maybe that'll help. Anyone have any opinions on these jugs of pre-fab water?


I havnt had good experiences with the premixed saltwater or the real saltwater that they use at *****. The reason is that I noticed bad things start to happen after I start doing water changes where I use fresh water and mix it in with the salt myself. I think its better to not use the real saltwater that you can buy at ***** and just mix the salt yourself in freshwater.

cwazy clow

ok curious. after you let the rock settle and get all the dead junk of the rock, you want to do a 10% water change. then wait like 2 days and test for all basic tests. once you finished testing, you can lightly add fish. once you have added fish, add a cleaning crew and other easy inverts like shrimp and etc. NO ANNENOMIES at this point. once your fish are adapted. about a couple of weeks depending, you must wait at least a month before adding the easiest/hardiest corals. (i've said them in other of your posts) be sure to test at least once a week for the first month-3 months. once you add corals, you might want to buy a reef test kit, (calc, and pot. and etc. ) these you will need to test about once or twice a month once your tank is stable. depending on the coral, you might need to buy supplements. but for your basic zoas, mush, xenia you wont but if you want lps like frogspawn/hammer/torch/brain/rich/etc etc you will need sups when you start geting the fancy LPS's you will need more intense lighting like 5-8 watts for pc/t5 or you can go mh. good luck man!


Well-Known Member
I have been using the nsw from ***** for almost 2 years now, with no problems. Everything has thrived and grown. I do supplement with calcium daily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
I havnt had good experiences with the premixed saltwater or the real saltwater that they use at *****. The reason is that I noticed bad things start to happen after I start doing water changes where I use fresh water and mix it in with the salt myself. I think its better to not use the real saltwater that you can buy at ***** and just mix the salt yourself in freshwater.
maybe buy the premixed salt water at your lfs...I wouldn't trust *****.


i have a 12 gal. nano it only took 3-4 days to cycle. now my tank is like 4 or 5 months old, the only thing that died is fire fish.


Originally Posted by Cwazy Clow
ok curious. after you let the rock settle and get all the dead junk of the rock, you want to do a 10% water change. then wait like 2 days and test for all basic tests. once you finished testing, you can lightly add fish. once you have added fish, add a cleaning crew and other easy inverts like shrimp and etc. NO ANNENOMIES at this point. once your fish are adapted. about a couple of weeks depending, you must wait at least a month before adding the easiest/hardiest corals. (i've said them in other of your posts) be sure to test at least once a week for the first month-3 months. once you add corals, you might want to buy a reef test kit, (calc, and pot. and etc. ) these you will need to test about once or twice a month once your tank is stable. depending on the coral, you might need to buy supplements. but for your basic zoas, mush, xenia you wont but if you want lps like frogspawn/hammer/torch/brain/rich/etc etc you will need sups when you start geting the fancy LPS's you will need more intense lighting like 5-8 watts for pc/t5 or you can go mh. good luck man!
Thanks very much for all process - I like to get the picture and so I can prepare.. My tank is ony 2 weeks old now .. I tested the water in lfs with reading: PH 8.1, NITRITE 0.1, NITRATES 5, AMMONIA 0, S.G 1.021. (My tank feature is at bottom)
I have 2 clown fish in there since week 1 (got from the closing business lfs - they seem ok).
I have IODINE bottle. I believe it is for ROCKS if we like it turning to red color. Can I put it in now daily?
I still use the pump built-in the tank when I got this tank. I like to change to maxijet 900 but maybe not neccessary ...
Thanks much.
My tank feature:
* Live Sand, Live Rock 13lbs, Premix salt water ($1/gal local store)
* 12Gal Aquapod
* 1-27W Dual Sunpaq Daylight 6700k/10000k (Current USA brand)
* 1-27W Dual Sunpad Actinic 420nm/460nm (Current USA brand)
* CMF Cooling fan
* Built-in Nocturnal Blue Lunar lights
* Rear Overflow Filter system
* Pump
* Tiny LR, Biolballs, Activated Carbon.


Originally Posted by sig45
i have a 12 gal. nano it only took 3-4 days to cycle. now my tank is like 4 or 5 months old, the only thing that died is fire fish.
Only 3-4days for cyle? You must knew the Salt water pretty well to set up it fast .. I just try to follow the book said 3-4 weeks.. before any corals.
Can I see your tank pic?


Originally Posted by DeMartini
maybe buy the premixed salt water at your lfs...I wouldn't trust *****.
There is two different types: premix salt wather and REAL salt water from ocean. They are available at 2 different lfs in SAN JOSE.
So which one you have been using to change 10% water weekly? Our fish from the other side of an ocean .. and people use the real ocean here !! Is there a different?