Brand New "PC" commercials!


Active Member
They had to ditch Seinfeld, Which had to be the worst ad campaign to come along in a LONG TIME! The new one is slightly better and more effective but IMHO doesnt take away the stereotype. lol


I hate those mac pc commercials so much.
It's funny how the only way that Macs can sell is by bashing there opponent. In the HD Blu-Ray war did you notice how they did not bash eachother. Instead they both presented there products and the let the consumer decide. (HD shouldv'e won in my opinion


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
I hate those mac pc commercials so much.
It's funny how the only way that Macs can sell is by bashing there opponent. In the HD Blu-Ray war did you notice how they did not bash eachother. Instead they both presented there products and the let the consumer decide. (HD shouldv'e won in my opinion
rofl. They don't need to bash anyone, the commercials are just funny and one of the most loved commercials i know along with Geicco. And everything mac commercials say is 100% true and everyone knows it. Thats why PC commercials are coming more often and the new one is just people saying "I'm a PC and i..." kind of like the mac commercials saying "hello, i'm a pc...and i'm a mac" etc.
Even if they didn't 'bash' there opponent they would still sell as much as they do now. people know vista is trash WITHOUT watching TV. i'm constently hearing people gripe about how much they hate it. The commercials are just funny, and there good, THAT is why they continue 'bashing' there opponent. It's not the only way they sell.