Brand New Reefer!


Sorry I should probably find this out elsewhere, but wanted you alls opinion! Would it be more diffficult to maintain a 29gal rather than a 75gal? Space has me limited to 29 instead of 75. And what type of filtration should I go with?
Next question. If i put LR in with other rock, will the other rock become live and if so how long? And the same with LS.


75 would give you better control over your water chemistry. Although a 29 would be that difficult for a new reefer.
Yes in time all your rock will become live. After your rock has cycled its pretty much live and same withe the sand.
As for filter if you have 1 to 1.5# of liverock per a gallon of water then thats all you will need for biological filtration. For running carbon and mechanical filtration an emperror or fluva filter are great choices.HTH


For someone new to reefkeeping, I would get a standard 75 gallon tank. For filteration I would use a Coralife super Skimmer 125 model which can hang on the back of your tank or be used in a sump.

nm reef

Active Member
If by other rock you mean base rock then yes in time the LR will seed your base rock and it'll all be the for filtration I'd basically use the LR and LS as the foundation of the filtration and consider some type of skimmer to compliment that foundation.
and.....welcome to the hobby and our forums.