Brand New :>


Active Member
Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391980/brand-new#post_3478886
if you are referrring to the AI sols for 400 a pop, you need more than 2. they have bad coverage.
When are you going to get off the band wagon of Radion.......Why beat up AI.....They are more than adequate of doing the job and have proven that fact, and bottom line they are tons easier to work with.......Look up Sanjay's study on the LEDs, and come back to the table.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/391980/brand-new/20#post_3478913
When are you going to get off the band wagon of Radion.......Why beat up AI.....They are more than adequate of doing the job and have proven that fact, and bottom line they are tons easier to work with.......Look up Sanjay's study on the LEDs, and come back to the table.


Active Member
Sorry to be a blunt.....but come on dude.......Radion..........
Go back and look at the studies of the AI fixture an the "hot" Radions, which are newer "better" tech and they numbers aren't that much better for AI old technology.......There's other factors that play into things.....Price......and for the price no mounting system, and not being as user friendly as AI or other units....Again there are trade offs to anything in the world and this hobby, but to keep spouting about how great something is...... If it was honestly that great every swingin body would be using them......


Active Member
What? Why be sorry?
I read what Sanjay's write up and personally,..... well, I wouldn't buy either. I do LOVE the AI's but for what they cost,..... well, lets just say I have better things to spend my money on, like this bowl of Macand cheese and package of hot dogs! Lol

tomos reef

New Member
So I've rethought my fish list. I didn't realize the Korans and French where so huge. *though extremely pretty*
1) Fuzzy Dwarf LionFish
2) Magnificent Foxface or reg Foxface (prob not both)
3) Coral Beauty Angel, Eibli or Potters
I take it since I'll have the lionfish crustaceans are outta the picture :/ If I can find a wrasse and blenny big enough I will try and get one of those. Maybe a butterfly fish? Anywho I've been looking at some corals and Sea fans and I'm finding a lot i like. I'm not sure if I want to base my tank on corals or fish now. :p So many options! If the dwarf lionfish hinders me a lot from doing other fish I may make a separate tank for him? Not sure how I feel about that yet.


Well-Known Member
Butterflys for sure eat corals. A dwarf lionfish will limit the other fish you can put in your tank. Lions are best kept in species only tanks. Imho. And i dont think i have ever seen two foxfaces in the same tank together. At least that small of a tank. Remember, you have a 90g setup which basically limits you to small gish and two larger fish.
Look at some reef videos on youtube and figure out what colors and movement you like for corals next. The type of corals you like can determine what fish you get as well.

tomos reef

New Member
Thanks. I don't think Foxfaces get along with each other. I really like the dwarf and if my options are limited by "reef safe" I may as well stick with lionfish maybe? I will look into some more videos. I tend to lean towards gorgonians. Is there an eel that could live in a 90g? - Tomo


Well-Known Member
Sure there are many different species of eels that could. The mOst common eel in our hobby is a snowflake eel - then that too would limit you to larger fish only.

tomos reef

New Member
Thanks! So I recently found a deal that I just couldn't pass up. I got a 30g tank, black gravel, 2 power heads, protein skimmer, live rock (I think) the hood and lighting and 1 yellow tailed Damsel for $75. :) I figures I'll see how I like this one and make sure I'm ready to tackle a 90g.


That is a good deal. However, in the long run, you might want to get rid of the damsel, they can get very aggressive.

tomos reef

New Member
Yea my dad has had a yellow tail for ~10 years. The people I got the tank from said they had a lionfish with this Damsel and 2 others. It only ate 1 of the Damsels. lol I guess he didn't like the taste of them. Not sure what I'll put in next. I may just put a little bit of coral in for now. I will most likely move the skimmer to a sump. Still need a heater for it. Apparently the previous owner didn't use one.
Speaking to your fish in your reef tank I would choose now on if you want a lion or tang if it's going to be a reef tank I would go for the tang or tangs. you get to keep the small fish like gobies and blennies and so on. I would have to say that tangs are one of the most beautiful fish you can have in a reef tank not to mention you can have so much more variety of species of individuals if you do choose that like shrimps. Now if you go with the lion fish I would say go for the coral safe pred fish:snowflake eel, lion fish, blue chin trigger and the purple reef lobster and maybe one more small full grown tang in there and your good both of those tanks will look awsome with corals for example make sure the invert is put in first and that it found his home and that it is at least 5 inches and the chances of the community living peacefully will increased drastically but with the fish mentioned the space in your 90g will not allow much other fish unless you get all the fish very small try to remember that the fish you buy today will grow to an adult size. Some fish will stay smaller do to the tank being smaller but others will grow full size hopes this helps

tomos reef

New Member
I've decided to go with the predator theme for my 90g. I really like the idea of the lobster. I can't wait to start setting that baby up. O and i forgot to mention that the 30g I just got came with a master test kit to. :) Im really happy with it.

tomos reef

New Member
Ok finally spoke with my local aquarium store. They are very knowledgeable and extremely helpful! We will be starting our move on the next 2 weeks hopefully will have some progress on setting up the 90. Decided im going to just start woth corals. Once i have what i like, ill start ro add fish. Will try and keep everyone updated.