Brand of Salt for Reef?


Hi Everyone,
I currently use Instant Ocean for my 140 with fish and LR. We are startinng a 25g reef tank, do I need to change to a diffrent brand for the reef or is ok to keep using the IO?
What brand does everyone else use for thier reef tanks?


I agree I use tropic Marine and i love it it is worth the extra cost. plus when you us that with Tropic Marin Bio Calcium you get the best of both worlds.
:) marine environment is what i use. used it to cycle and water change the tank. comes with a little bottle of trace elements already to add. no problems so far. ;)


Active Member
Instant Ocean here.
Good article for those that are interested;
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


io here also. reef crystals is another good one and made by the same company that makes io. only diffence is has a little more of the trace elements.


Good job Broomer5. That is the kind of response that needs to be posted. As a physician that does a lot of research, I know the importance of a credible research article from a credible research journal. Not to dog you Petey, but your response has no scientific back-up. Opinions are great, everybody uses what they like and what works best for them, but make sure that everyone knows that it is an opinion, not fact. The article proves that reef crystals don't have the best trace elements by far. Again, good job Broomer.


I use Coralife, but from what i have read, most of the major brands are fine... i started with Coralife because after reading up on all of them, coralife 'seemed' the best to me for a reef tank- but i am pretty sure i was a victim of marketing.. :) they all seem pretty much the same. i DO suggest however that whatever you start with- stick with it.


Thanks everyone for your input, I will stickinng with IO. I have been using it for the last 2 years in my 140 FOWLR and I have had no problems. Just wanted to know if anyone used it for reef. Thanks again. :D