Brand of salt

crypt keeper

Active Member
Instant Ocean is junk IMO. I used Oceanic and saw better results in mixture and more growth on my rocks. Then I switched too Tropic Marin yes its spelled without the E. Dear god is this stuff awesome. My coraline growth has exploded. My tank has less issues. Not nearly as much algae growth. i will use this stuff forever


Active Member
hmmm... I can't get that stuff in my parts. All I see is ***** brand, IO, kent marine, and corallife. bummer


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Instant Ocean is junk IMO. I used Oceanic and saw better results in mixture and more growth on my rocks. Then I switched too Tropic Marin yes its spelled without the E. Dear god is this stuff awesome. My coraline growth has exploded. My tank has less issues. Not nearly as much algae growth. i will use this stuff forever
yea thats what i meant, i spelled it with the E. but yea i agree its great, and ill never turn back, much better quality in the water and less issues. its all my lfs uses and they 1200 gallon reef display along with other 500 gallon displays.


Originally Posted by MattH2181
Been told that IO isnt very good, my LFS owner whos been doing this hobby since he was 9 (now 50) says that IO formula hasnt changed since then and the trac eelemts arent very high, not even in the reef crystals, he highly recomends TropicMarine, he uses it in all his tank once of which is a 1200 gallon reef display with a two foot clam in it... he also has does custom tanks for people in their homes of the same size... so i think he knows what hes talkin about
you must live in the chesterfield county VA area... If you do I know what you are talkin about the is one SWEEEET tank. Oh and I use tropic marin salt in my tanks.