Hi Mona. I am not new to the hobby, but was out of it for yrs. i had 4 salt tanks ranging from 20 to 120. I can tell you things have changed since I kept salt fish 10 yrs ago. I recently decided to get into it again, but must buy all new equitment and so I am taking it very slow. I did get good deals on all my new stuff though/ Go to the classified on this site. I got some great pc lighting, HOB filter, and a remora skimmer ( I hear its one of the best to buy) at really good prices. I would recommend going to the classified and buying there. i am just about ready to put water in my 75 gal (doesn't take up any more space length wise then a 55, so why not. I have my playsand, live sand,RO water, base rock, and am waiting for my filter and skimmer to arrive anyday. and my salt. This weekend i hope to get my tank up and then go get my LR and shrimp to start my cycle. I spent way less then if I had gone impulse shopping! You can get some good deals at a fraction of the price, but its still an expensive hobby, but well worth it when your tank is up and running. I still have loads of questions, things that have changed in the hobby, and things I forget. This site is truely amazing with all the help you get! Good luck.