alright guys as some of you already know i am starting a 20gallon sps tank. here are some pictures and what not. it has 2 penguin 1140 power heads in the corners of the tank with a black background. i have cycled the water with shrimp already and have 30lbs of ls in it. on wednesday 22lbs of ultra premimum fiji lr will be comming in and if i dont have enough the 25lbs from my 14gallon nano will help even it out. i am using a simple milenum 2000hob filter with biological filtration and it has chemical filtration. no protien skimmers are going to be used and it should be self supporting. my lights are going to be a 150 aquamedic metal hailide which will be suspended about 16-22inches from the tank. the fish list is going to be well actually here are the two fish that i am 100% going to be getting a flame angel and a 6line wrase to control flat worms from eating the sps. they will be added last so the lr can mature for the angel and the 6line last so it wont bully other fish. here are now some pics of the tank and my 14gallon nano which all the corals will be going from it into the 20long. also may i add that i will have xenia glued on the 2 outer corners of the tank for a more wavy and elegant look.