Brazil Dragon Eel


What is the difference between these eels and hawaiians? and does the brazil one have the teeth of a hawaiian one or more of that found on a snowflake eel? i love eels with fangs...


What is the difference between these eels and hawaiians? and does the brazil one have the teeth of a hawaiian one or more of that found on a snowflake eel? i love eels with fangs...
Ok - pretty sure the Brazilian Dragons are in a completely different Genus than either the Hawaiian/Japanese Dragons or the Snowflakes.
IIRC the Brazilian Dragons are in the same genus as the Jeweled Moray (aka Mexican Dragon). Just a different species.


The eel in which was giving the name Brazilian Dragon Eel is really the Whitespot moray (Muraena pavonina)


Its a more common mistake happening more and more for so many links which are indentifying eel species are twisting up their scientific and common names. For it not pays so much in running a simple search for that is how your mistake came about. Where as I not run a search in that way, for im sure you found or viewed so many species of eels are within the same scientific and common names. This problem has become much worst in the past decade or two. As is, there are so many other cousins in this genus that are as yet misidentified, for north in the Australian waters are six to eight of these distant cousins which as yet im as yet to identify and doubt I ever will, and this is only in the Australian waters a lone. These are all distant cousins of the dragon moray eel.


thanks guys, your alot of help, really appreciate the kindness i get here! but anyone know where i can get this whitespot moray eel at? the one on the google site of the eel is great, i like how the head is black and it gets brights throughtout the body. I want to buy one, but i can not find a online shop selling them, any advice or knowlege were i can get one?


Active Member
Where are you located? I have 2 local shops that have them in stock right now. One is Sea Save for $150 and the other is Exotic Aquatics for $375 (over priced).
Sea Save might ship it.
Hope this helps.


funny you mentioned it, sea save just sold theirs yesterday! i wanted it SO BAD! i am still wanting one, im dying daily and searching constanly throught the web for it! i can not find it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Varez
funny you mentioned it, sea save just sold theirs yesterday! i wanted it SO BAD! i am still wanting one, im dying daily and searching constanly throught the web for it! i can not find it!
Where are you located?


Active Member
FYI, just saw one come up at just **** fish, since they dont sell them here I assume this is not breaking any rules.
PM me for link if your still looking for one.


New Member
I've also been looking for information on these guys (Muraena pavonina) unsuccessfully.
Are they really aggressive? Max size? Can they be kept with larger fish like tangs, puffers, triggers, and large angels? Just the basic "as long as it won't fit in its mouth" rule?
A local fish store just got one in and he's brilliantly colored and reasonably priced. He's eating good. I'd love to grab him but, I just don't want any tank mates to disappear.


New Member
Originally Posted by sulley
what tankmates do you have? i believe they get around 2 ft.
Final stock list will be 3 black and white bannerfish, naso tang, porc puffer, large angel, and a pair of blue throat triggers in a 210.


sounds good just make sure plenty of rock and when you get the fish they are not too small. have good filtration etc... they can be aggressive but feed him about 3x's per week and you should be fine