Brazilian Dragon Eel


What does everyone think of the Brazilian Dragon Eel? Or the Mexican Dragon Eel? I am going to get one for my tank, but cannot decide. I already have a small Panther Grouper in the tank right now, but they should be fine together. I have seen plenty of pictures of the Mexican Dragon Eel, but almost none of the Brazilian Dragon Eel, so if you have pictures or can find in good pictures, please let me know. Thanks!


Active Member
well one reason i have seen as far as photos go for the brazilian dragon its identical to the jeweled/mexican dragon eel so most likely same may notice spot size difference in some photos depending on the web sit but sized of th spots vary by the age of the eel the older the eel the larger the spots. so 400 bucks for a brazilian that looks just like my $40 .00 jeweled/ mex dragon eel just doesnt seem right to me at least.


Active Member
Ahhhh....not even going to get into this debate. LOL
It depends on what your definition of Brazilian Dragon is. If you're referring to that particular species, then go for it. If you're referring to the Jeweled Moray, I'd pass on it...they're ugly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
so 400 bucks for a brazilian that looks just like my $40 .00 jeweled/ mex dragon eel just doesnt seem right to me at least.

My Brazilian Dragon looks NOTHING like your Jeweled.


In the interest of having a quasi-scientific, factual discussion about this, I implore everyone who has M. lentiginosa, M. pinta, Mexican Dragon eel, Brazilian Dragon eel, Jewel eel, Black eared eel... (Lemme think, I know there were more names bantered about when I researched these...!) ... anyway... please post pics. I especially am interested in pics that show the jaw/mouth/nose region... and "horns"/nostrils. If you remember what the eel was being called and how much you paid for it, let us know that too.
Does anyone know of someone who does collecting off the Southern Cali/ Mexico region that I could contact? They might be helpful in obtaining one... Email me if you do, please!
this will be fabulous thread if you guys participate!!!!

This is hot topic lately, eh Andy?

:cheer: Darla


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
This is hot topic lately, eh Andy?

:cheer: Darla
Since no one seems to own both, I've decided I'm buying both. It's also very uncommon to find a store that sells both.
The store, where I'm getting my Mexican Dragon, has it in the same tank as a Jeweled.
Next week, I'm ordering both...then, we'll get some good pics.
I just dont honestly see how people think they're the same species...especially after seeing each, in person.


Well, i guess you can say that I have the "hook-up" because I work at my LFS, so the Brazilian Dragon Eel doesn't cost me anything near $400. But, I will definitly post picture when I get the eel home. From the little pictures I have seen of the Brazilian Dragon Eel, it looks like the Hawaiian/Japanese Dragon Eel, with different colors. And to Sunburnt, I cannot give away the information about where I get the fish/eels, but I can get one for you possibly, depending on location.


- Andy!
I TOTALLY understand WHY, but you're going a long way to prove your point, especially after calling the Jewels UGLY!
The only eels I've ever thought were UGLY were the ones that have the nostrils pointing down into their mouths. I think they were "snake" varieties, but I'm not sure. Been a long time since I forced myself to go through fishbase! I sincerely hope this guy fares better than the last one. That was sad. He was beautiful.

NaSo- Thanks for the generous offer. I have several leads right now (One of them being Andy
), but if they don't pan out, I'd definitely be interested. Any idea on costs (before shipping, of course)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
well this was the only photo i could find of what was sold as brazilian dragon eel they give no scientific name of course

I use that image quite often, to show the difference between the Jeweled and the Brazilian/Mexican Dragon...even posted it here on SWF, I believe.
AtlantisAquarium, while having great fish and healthy specimens, are outrageously priced.
That pic is the same Moray I'm picking up for $89...every other one I've seen has been priced from $200 - $275.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaSoTaNkEr
Sunburnt- The cost before shipping would be about $85 before shipping.
Unleashed- Thanks for the link.
your welcome and i was doing alot more searching today i mean alot and catalogging alot of different eel species by scientific names this one got me good though with accual photos of more than one coloration of one species of the
Muraena lentiginosa
Jewel moray
common names used for this eel
heres the kicker
all same scientific names and finally photos of differnt colorations


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
your welcome and i was doing alot more searching today i mean alot and catalogging alot of different eel species by scientific names this one got me good though with accual photos of more than one coloration of one species of the
Muraena lentiginosa
Jewel moray
common names used for this eel
heres the kicker
all same scientific names and finally photos of differnt colorations

Great find, Unleashed...
Yet, none of the pics above look anything like the Brazilian/Mexican Dragon that you found a pic of here:
I do agree that there might be a few (and maybe many) different color variations of a particular species, depending on what part of the world it's found in, but the two still look nothing, "different color pattern" is definately ruled out of the equation.


Active Member
i have yet to find that one other thanthat very same photo .but im still looking i still have a bout 300 more scientific names to catalog with common /scientifc names i wish to god they would give more info on these things when they sell them


The pavonina is the one I listed above that's also called the whitespotted/black eared.
Are you about ready to pull your hair out? LOL! I know I was when I was going through them. I guess the divers/collectors just can't take the time to research everything they collect to get the scientific names... So the stores get eels with "common" names. There are a LOT of eels that are "white spotted". Easy to get them mixed up, I'm sure. Especially when quick turnover and making money are the main goals!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
The pavonina is the one I listed above that's also called the whitespotted/black eared.
Are you about ready to pull your hair out? LOL! I know I was when I was going through them. I guess the divers/collectors just can't take the time to research everything they collect to get the scientific names... So the stores get eels with "common" names. There are a LOT of eels that are "white spotted". Easy to get them mixed up, I'm sure. Especially when quick turnover and making money are the main goals!
no its pretty simple to figure out the photo above is the brazilian dragon eel .that site is used by all reseachers through out the world to catelog sighting for each species where it accures and is found.common names are given by laguage and regions in which they sited .the its the collectors for retailers that arent doing their research in finding what the accual specimin is.this listing does not show all market names.take the hawiian dradon eel for instance it is one isnt called the hawiian dragon eel in every providence that is an american market name for it, Enchelycore pardalis which can not be mistaken is listed as a leopard eel.they dont list each sighting everywhere found they do however colaberate the common regions in which they find more than one if this species in the vacinity.which has a very high range unlike that of the Muraena pavonina which in those regions is called a white spotted moray.
the hawiian and the japanese dragon eel are the same species the color forms may .
vary slightly due to difference in some of the diet and water temps
as for the Muraena pavonina its has only been listed as native to a very small region.
so its marking are quite distinctive with slight variations like finger prints... i did alot of reading to find these eels


Active Member
here is an example of what is listed for a species idenifications it just take time to read it
I will use the Muraena helena / Mediterranean moray for example:
this one is also native to a small region but foud sometimes out of the normal vacinity this is the mapped siting for this species
common names used for research siting by language
FOA where Muraena helena accures
accual listing of dates ect of where is sightings have accured
Ecosystems where mureana helena accures
collaborators of muraena helena 41 people to build this report
it is not as simple as it may seam it should be to keep track.marketer and collectors for the market dont have time do do all this so they pick a name and there you go.. theer are several species of eels that resemble this particular species and are sold as such or visa versa.


Hi guys i couldnt help but read this post and say this, We are currently selling a very healthy maybe 2 1/2 - 3 foot brazillian moray eel at the lfs i work at. its currently being sold for $125 at an NJ pets (now becomming a ***** as of may). Its a shame you guys didnt ask sooner, last week we were having a sale and he was marked down to $45. I was so tempted to buy him but i have no place to put him.