break in new skimmer


I just bought a used deltec skimmer and was trying to figure out the correct operating depth of the water. So I set it up in a tub with fresh water and no foam? Is this normal? Do you have to have dirty water for foam? Can I add something to the water to help make foam? Or is this a dead unit? Please let me know Thanks and Merry Christmas


Probably around 7 inches and it will not make any foam in fresh water it has to be salt water.


Active Member
You won't get foam from freshwater, only saltwater. Even then, if the water is clean you won't get much if any foam.
Given that it's a Deltec, I seriously doubt you have a "dead unit." Deltec makes about the best skimmers out there IMO.
With freshwater you will see large bubbles, so if you see that, you're good.
If you want clarification let me know.... it so happens at the present that I am freshwater testing a tank setup and I have a brand new Deltec skimmer operating on freshwater at the moment, so I can snap a pic of what the bubbles look like so you can compare.