Break out the cigars!


I just got back from Milwaukee after many delays at the airport in Cleveland, so needless to say I was in a bad mood. Stopped for some beers and got home home and did a tank inspection. Bummed that some new xenia didnt make it and confused by the absence of a stalk of xenia thats been doing well. In that same area is a BTA with 2 Clarkiis and they were acting a little weird. At this point I'm concerned about the well being of the reef, but, upon further inspection, I realized why they were acting funny. We were witnessing the laying of eggs! Ran to get the cam and came up with a few decent shots, nothing spectacular, but very exciting for us. Heres a few and hopefully I'll be able to get some better shots later...shes still laying more. My mood has changed from horrible to indescribable! In this one ya'll may see why I thought they were being weird.


Clarkii clowns aren't my favorite, but killer that they are so happy to reproduce in your tank. Congrats! :)
<drawin a smoke on a big fat Punch cigar>


you have to inform us on how you kids are doing, the moment they hatch please tells us all about whats going on:joy:


Well, if they have an opportunity to hatch, the probability of survival is slim. I'm 99.9% sure they would fall victim to filtration or predation. Maybe one day we can offer an environment to prop. some babies, but right now its not possible. I have already noticed that some eggs have disappeared, probably from the nocturnal hunters. But if anything happens I'll be sure to let everyone know.