Breaking LR


So I have this nasty looking crab type thing living in my LR, however I cant get it out. It's a rather large and porus piece of what I think is Fiji rock. I am plannint on taking out of the tank and breaking it in half in a seperate container. I dont think there is a large enough opening for the critter to get out and baiting it with food hasn't worked. Any suggestions?


Active Member
You can try a freshwater dip. If it is able to get out, it will...and fast. I would try this before you start breaking it apart.

sinner's girl

we had a crab in a rock before. didn't hurt anything, but sinner wanted to know `what it was. we dipped it freshwater without luck, then he broke it in half. But I would try fresh water first.


SO how would I do this? Just put the LR in a bucket of fresh water. Should I treat it, temp? How long? Will I need to do anything to the LR b4 i put it back in the tank?


Active Member
i am all for the breaking it part why risk kiling off alot of the otehr good stuff in the rock with a fresh water dip when you can break it take him out and just stack it up a bit different. no more crab and you still have all your coalline and benifical stuff. i know it wont all die but alot will be killed off


Active Member
Breaking the rock is actually very easy. You just use a hammer and a screwdriver, Best to do it outside on some newspaper though, and do becareful because there can be some sharp edges.


Active Member
You are going to have die off either way. If you take the rock out of the water, you will start killing things and if you do a fresh water dip you will start killing things.
I guess it is all on your preference. If you don't mind breaking the rock, then go for it. If you really want to keep the rock in tact, try the dip.


The dip worked, took about 15 seconds. Here's a pic, it's not great but I don't own a dig. camera. It has wite tips on both its claws, Its a dark brown with white and gold stripes on its legs, and gold tips. Any ideas, it doesn't look that harmful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by airforceb2
You can try a freshwater dip. If it is able to get out, it will...and fast. I would try this before you start breaking it apart.
I'm just curious, would RO water be better? or will it not work? :happyfish