breaking rock salt or calcium chloride?


I have a couple of bags of rock salt and calcium chloride that have solidified.Any tricks or tools on making this stuff crumble into a spreadable mix again? Or do I just go at it with a hammer like a prisoner making small rocks out of big rocks.TIA


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nel621
Or do I just go at it with a hammer like a prisoner making small rocks out of big rocks.TIA
i find that is always my best way to get it done. plus its fun!


Active Member
do you have kids? give them hammers and let them go at it (one at a time so theres no accidents) most kids have fun with stuff like that

darthtang aw

Active Member
Drop it off your roof onto the concrete....then back over it with your car...walla.
Then use a wet/dry vac to vacuum it all up.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
hmmmm smart... maybe
Didn't say it was smart but it would be cool to do and watch!!!!
You could always take it to home depot and exchange it out....they return everything if you complain enough, I know, I work there. We "took back" a car tire once, we don't even sell car tires.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Didn't say it was smart but it would be cool to do and watch!!!!
You could always take it to home depot and exchange it out....they return everything if you complain enough, I know, I work there. We "took back" a car tire once, we don't even sell car tires.....
wow, I'm not even that patient.
Armageddon it. Drill a few holes in it. Drop some black cats in there. Then light...


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Drop it off your roof onto the concrete....then back over it with your car...walla.
Then use a wet/dry vac to vacuum it all up.
I like the car idea.Off the roof,I don't think so.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Didn't say it was smart but it would be cool to do and watch!!!!
You could always take it to home depot and exchange it out....they return everything if you complain enough, I know, I work there. We "took back" a car tire once, we don't even sell car tires.....
Now that is funny about a car tire.It is true they take back everything.I have seen people return doors that you can tell were installed then removed.Tools that were purchased just to do the one job.And so on.It is ridiculous.


Active Member
If you have an Air Hammer you could use than instead of an regular hammer or best bet is take a 5 lb hammer and swiung away.
Darthtang I hear you on the returning anything BS I worked for Wally World and there the Managers are so afarid of the customer calling 1800 Walmart that you can return ANYTHING and also get a 50 buck gift card if you scream enough at a manager. We had one person when I worked there return GET THIS FIRED RIFLE AMMO yet the ASSMANAGER Forced us to take it back IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF COMPANY POLICY.