breeding cleaner shrimp??????


New Member
Is there a process on breeding cleaner shrimp. For the past few days, I havent seen my cleaner shrimp until he appear today. I thought he was sick or dead somewhere in the rocks. I took a really good look, I notice in her belly are full of little eggs. Whats the process of making sure they hatch? Any and all advice is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


New Member
cant believe with all the amount of people who frequent this section forum not having any suggestion.


I personally have never seen the eggs be good for anything but fish food,I dont know if they have been successfully raised in captivity.


Active Member
Breeding is the easy part...a common thing with a maited pair in captivity, the raiseing the larvae to survive, is the hard part.
As far as the common cleaners, Fire/Blood Shrimps Lysmata debelius and Scarlet/Skunk Shrimps Lysmata amboinensis, as already said, not yet that i know of either. Its beleived that the babies are just too delicate to survive in captivity. Research breeding the Peppermint Shrimp Lysmata wurdemanni. I think this species has been bred and raised successfully. Perhaps you can apply some of the methods with a few twist and be the first to have success with the others.