Breeding Clownfish


Active Member
in this tank a total of 27. it looks like around 12 or so made it into the shot. they all swim all over the place so its hard to get a group shot unless they are affraid and then they all pile up in a corner


Active Member
well aside from a few that i sold to a guy that were way to small to sell i have done nothing with them yet. i'm waiting until they get older/bigger.
the ones i did sell the guy insisted that we wanted to buy them anyhow. i have him the special care instructions and he bought them anyhow. i am happy to know that all of the ones he bought are alive and well. i was worried he would not keep up with there special care needs


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybomb
Are Those Maroons?? Didnt U Breed Black Percs Too?
those are black and whites
dont ave any maroons right now but yes we now do both


oceana - CONGRATS!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: You've really done your homework, put a lot of time and effort into this, and sounds like you're doing a fantastic job!
I have to agree with others here, great thread and the babies are cute as anything I've ever seen!!
I don't think we can ever have too many breeders in this hobby to help supply demands without hurting our natural reef systems out there. I really look forward to a day when we don't have to take anything from the reefs because everything is bred by hobbyists!!! Doubt that'll happen in my lifetime but it would be absolutely no doubt full on completely hands down AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Since you're doing so well are there any plans to try something else besides clowns? That would be a really interesting project too, I think!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DaneDodger
oceana - CONGRATS!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: You've really done your homework, put a lot of time and effort into this, and sounds like you're doing a fantastic job!
I have to agree with others here, great thread and the babies are cute as anything I've ever seen!!
I don't think we can ever have too many breeders in this hobby to help supply demands without hurting our natural reef systems out there. I really look forward to a day when we don't have to take anything from the reefs because everything is bred by hobbyists!!! Doubt that'll happen in my lifetime but it would be absolutely no doubt full on completely hands down AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Since you're doing so well are there any plans to try something else besides clowns? That would be a really interesting project too, I think!!
thanks a bunch. it is alot of fun so far.
other then clowns i also prop zoanthids, shrooms, SPS, xenia, colts, kenya trees and toadstools. as for tryign to breed other fish i think i have my hands full as it is. if i take to much on i would start skimping on things and IMO that would lead to a lesser final product


Well I couldn't agree with that more and applaud your decision. Quality over quantity is a great thing!!! I didn't know if you had enough time on your hands for breeding another type of fish or if you're "full up", so to speak


New Member
Oceana - this is a great thread! (sorry for my post being long) Thanks for including pix and congrats on your success!! I live in Jacksonville, FL (about 3.5 hours from you) and have a pair of clowns that have been mating for a few years now and laying eggs every few weeks. Right now, I leave them in my main tank as is and let them hatch. Of course, they do not survive. On many occasions, using a magnifying glass I have watched them hatch and their constant short spurts of energy trying to swim around.
I originally bought the clownfish from a friend who said he was told they were a mated pair when he bought them from a LFS, but never found any eggs and never witnessed them acting like they had a batch in his tank.
Now, I have decided to try and rear the clowns so I spent the weekend reading info on the net. That is how I came across this forum and your post. I also ordered "Conditioning, spawning and rearing of fish with emphasis on marine clownfish" by Frank Hoff. I plan to order "Plankton Culture Manual" this week. It would take too long to get it from Amazon so I'm not sure who to buy this book from yet.
The female always lays the eggs on the underside of one of my maxi-jet pumps and some along the backside edges. The pump is close to the top of the water line. When they look like they are close to hatching I disconnect power from the pump.
The first book I mentioned above by Frank Hoff should arrive today or tomorrow from Amazon so I plan to do a lot of reading. I will be in Orlando on vacation in a short while and can probably finish this book pretty quick. I hope I can also learn from your experiences.
-Where did you order your breeding and cultivating systems from? Florida Aqua Farms? I would like to create a setup similar to what you have created. Can you give me specifics on which kits you ordered?
-Do you have any recommendations of addtional equipement/supplies that should be ordered now that you have been actively using your setup?
Thanks and happy reefing!


Active Member
yes i got my book and cultures from FL aqua farms.. as for a kit i did not purchase one. i made the phyto culture sytem and bought from them the following items
brine shrimp hatchery. <- could have made this as well but it was cheap and nice so i just bought it.
two phyto culture disk
and one rotifer egg culture vial
as for things you need other then what ihave pictures there is nothing. I'm sure you could make it nicer however the system works great IMO. you shuold be much more success then me just for the fact that you own the breeding pair. i have to move my eggs from one tank into mine and that alone can kill alot of eggs. my maroons are much easier since we have the pair. if you have questions feel free to ask i can do my best to help out


Active Member
i see a change in their color, the ones in the more recent pics look more orange.
are they really changing to a brighter orange color or is it just the flash.


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Originally Posted by reefiness
oceana are your fish eating anything new recently?
we feed them cyclopeez and regular frozen foods now