Breeding Oscellaris Clowns


New Member
My pair of Oscellaris Clowns are laying eggs quite regularly and have been so for some time. Trouble is they are in a community tank and seem to loose the eggs over a couple of nights. Are they worth moving into a seperate tank? and how difficult are they to breed and raise?. I saw in this forum someone mentioned an article or similar about breeding oscellaris clowns but have been unable to locate it.
Many thanks, Dirk.


New Member
Thanks heaps for the help Devil Boy. Thanks also Bang Guy, Ive just read yours and TSL's articles thanks to the thread from Devil Boy. Great read. One question though I see in you photo of the clowns with the eggs, yours appear quite red in colour. When mine lay eggs they seem darker almost brown/black in colour, (hard to see as they lay them around behind the corral they live in). After a couple of days they appear real shiny looking. Almost like small pearls. Is this the norm.
Hard to get any info. here down under not a real lot of interest in breeding only selling fish to you. I think it was you, in one of your posting, that mentioned to book "clownfish" ?. Is this the book written by a woman ?. If it is I have heard of it but haven't located one as yet. Thanks again boys. Dirk.

bang guy

Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson.
The eggs normally start with a color similar to the female. If yours were dark when you saw them then they had probably been there a few days before you noticed them. They should get darker every day. A couple days before they are going to hatch some of the eggs will develop a silvery top. This is actually the eyes of the larvae reflecting light. The day that most of the eggs are silvery is usually the day they are going to hatch.