Breeding tangs/angels/lions/eels...


as anyone had any success with breeding tangs/angels/lions/eels? like if you bought a mated pair did they breed or not? has anyone tried to raise the fry? and if so what was the size of the tank that they breed in? i'm curious because i know that the industry wants to move to raising captive breed species or fish/inverts/corals, and etc. for less stress on the oceans not to mention the type of coloring you might be able to get out of some of the fish that you wouldnt normally see due( like the color variations of clowns!) to the natural selection process! and i'm thinking about trying it myself in the next year or 2! thanks


I have not heard of succesful breeding of Tangs, Angels, Lions or Eels. However I know of people who are breeding Sharks, Rays, Clowns, Gobies, and Cardinals succesfully.


There was a place in hawaii that bred tons on species of angels, but their site is down. I just did a yahoo search and the first link had good info on breeding dwarf angels. Good luck if you do try it.


yea i'm trying to find out as much info as possible! think of the possibilities of tank breeding! no more seasonal fish, they'll be a lil hardier, healthier, not so shy, and if done right the cost would come down within good time so that just about anyone could afford one! i was thinking of getting a 125g and having just a pair of tangs or triggers cause you can find them a lil more then the others with rock,sand, and a few corals,cleaning crew and setting it up for right for their mating/breeding! i'm going to be emailing a marine biologist in miami and talking to him about this plan i have to see if its possible!
thanks again!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
yea i'm trying to find out as much info as possible! think of the possibilities of tank breeding! no more seasonal fish, they'll be a lil hardier, healthier, not so shy, and if done right the cost would come down within good time so that just about anyone could afford one! i was thinking of getting a 125g and having just a pair of tangs or triggers cause you can find them a lil more then the others with rock,sand, and a few corals,cleaning crew and setting it up for right for their mating/breeding! i'm going to be emailing a marine biologist in miami and talking to him about this plan i have to see if its possible!
thanks again!
Please keep us updated. I love Tangs and would love an aquculture one. That would be cool.


Go to yahoo and type in breeding marine fish the first site has some very interesting information on the subject of breeding Angels, tangs, eels, trigger, etc.....


One of my books says that lion fish are able to breed in captivity but the fry are very difficult to raise.


Originally Posted by Kilhullen
One of my books says that lion fish are able to breed in captivity but the fry are very difficult to raise.
it wouldnt be worth it if it was easy! otherwise we'd all have freshwater tanks! but i'm trying to get all the info i can before i take this project on plus payoff some bills! but keep it coming i like the helpful tips,hints, & links!


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth