

New Member
I started breeding betas and fancy guppies recently. If anyone knows about when the fancy guppie ladies have thier babies if sometimes they die please tell me? I had two girls give birth at the same time and one is perfectly fine the other died in the middle of giving birth.
The other mama had 15 cut little things they look like big sperm haha. Well also why are the females kicking beta boys arse? If any of you know please tell me. :help:


The female guppy probably died because she couldn't push them all out. That female betta thing is a bit strange though


Before you do anymore breeding I'd suggest doing some mega-research into these kinds of things.
The female betta attacking the male is not uncommon whatsoever and breeding bettas is NOT so easy as just putting opposite sexes together then playing some Barry White for them!
They should only be put together when they're of the right age to breed and ready then only for as long as it takes them to "do their thing". Once the female lays the eggs you have to take her out. The male does all the work of caring for the eggs, putting them in the bubble nest he built and putting them back if they fall out, but once they hatch he should be taken out too. They also need enough room (those itty bitty bowls they come in just won't really cut it for breeding purposes) and bettas do better in warmer water than people are lead to believe. Not to mention getting them in shape to breed and then feeding them both and the fry later the right foods. Lots of people feed those dried bloodworms. Bleh
The very least I give the bettas at our store is thawed, frozen bloodworms and there's a definite difference! They LOVE the frozen ones! I've even had some jump up and bite the syringe when I feed!
Both guppy and betta breeders have their own shows, clubs, the works. I'd suggest doing a search for one of those to get the right info for your future breeding projects to see how to do it right.


New Member
Yeah there are a few meathods I read about online and also the local pet store told me to try a few things which I am trying now. you can have three females to one male and he will cycle through them. Also I knew about the Guppy Shows but I emailed a boardmember of the I.F.G.A. Pretty much just put me back to the website :notsure: . The bettas I have now get fed a combination of flake food and brine shrimp. Well as of now I have so many breeding projects going on I could have a zoo :cheer: . Doves, Mollies, Bettas, fancy tail guppies. Next hopefully I can get mikee my macaw to make babies.. that would be the real excitment. :joy: