bright green algae on glass; coraline algae?


I have many bright green algae growing on my glass. Can these be considered good coraline algae? I am also seeing tiny spots of red algae but in very small amount.


The green algae is more than likely slime algae and should be removed. The red is probably coralline. When you use your algae scrapper, you'll be able to tell the difference. Coralline is calcerous, and harder to get off of glass. The slime will pratically wipe off. I would try to find the reason why you are getting slime. Overfeeding? Tap water? High Nitrates? HTH--Bob


Active Member
Coraline algae can be green as it is on my glass but coraline usually grows in circular patches.
I recommend that you purchase The Reef Aquarium Vol. 1,(or other equalivent manual) I can see from your postings that you are lacking much needed basic reef information, IMHO.


New Member
i think there are two type of coralline algae, green and purple. both are circular patches and calcious. green seems to grow under bright light, while purple prefers darker are, IME anyway....but I could be wrong.


I've noticed the same as tetra. I have green coralline algae on my glass, as well... it doesent come off with my magnetic glass scraper.