Brine Shrimp Hatchery Q's


Does anyone hatch their own brine shrimp.
I was thinking this was a neat idea, and I'm looking for info on them, but couldn't find much besides "DO IT YOURSELF HATCHERY" where they show you how to build them, but not where to get BRINE SHRIMP EGGS so you can hatch them.
So I was wondering if anyone does this, and where you get the eggs from.??
Thanks a lot.


Active Member
Most LFS sell brine shrimp eggs. I place some tank water in a coke bottle, dip a stick in the water and then dip it in the eggs. I then rinse off the eggs in the bottle and place an air hose in there to circulate the water. In 24 hours they are all hatched.


If you cut the bottom off a 2 liter, put the cap on the top, and make a way to support the upside down 2 liter, that works well as a hatchery. I have circulated the water by putting an airstone half way down the bottle. When the eggs hatch, the shells will fall to the bottom of the v shapped bottle and the hatched brine will be circulating around. If you do not feed then soon afer hatching, they will die off.


as opposed to continually adding eggs to hatch can u just keep a running culture like the adults lay more eggs and continually cycle like that