Brine shrimp help


I want to start raising brine shrimp for my aggressive tank. I haven't been able to find anything on this forum as to how to do this. I'm not sure what I need and would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks :help:


Active Member
very easy to hatch. what I do is take a gallon milk jug rinsed well, add saltwater and an air stone for circulation. I buy the eggs and then take a tooth pick, wet it, dip into the eggs and then swish the eggs off the tooth pick in the jug. In 24 hours or so they hatch, the empty eggs float to the top. Use phyo plankton etc. for them to eat. they are extremely small and are basically only nutirious at this point. To small to feed to aggressive fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
to the agressive fish?
you said for the aggressive tank? just wondering what you were feeding them to.


Active Member
I agree...there are very few situations I would raise brine shrimp for...they are not the best diet all in all (certainly not for aggressives! :notsure: ) Much better foods available for nearly all fish, IMO.


Active Member
Definitely for things like seahorses or certain finicky eaters that are community fish- but for aggressives? That is confusing....most "aggressives" would not be much interested in brine shrimp.


Active Member
You can "gut load" things like ghost shrimp, which may be a better choice for aggressives, but those you generally have to buy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by leftyblite
Sorry maybe it was ghost shrimp I was thinking of not brine shrimp :thinking:

Probably so. What are you feeding?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
You can "gut load" things like ghost shrimp, which may be a better choice for aggressives, but those you generally have to buy.

What does gut load mean?


Active Member
It means when you take a live food, like brine, and feed it. This improves the nutritional value of the food. So you can take these, pack them full of other food, and then feed them to something else.

clown boy

Active Member
What if I wanted brine shrimp for a couple of ocelleris clownfish, a royal gramma, and a tang or two?


Active Member
Brine shrimp are a nice treat, but a poor staple diet. Either buy live from and LFS, get frozen...soak either in selcon and other vitamin/nutritional supplements, and feed. But as mentioned, it is a good treat or means to establish feeding in wild caught fish (few fish can resist live brine especially), but there are far better staple diets available.
Gut loaded ghost shrimp are good for the porc puffer