Brine shrimp kit....anyone know anything about it??

Have anyone every used the Tommy's brin shrimp kit from OR. Did it work?? What I was informed on the OR website is that u can constantly have live brine shrimp at any stages. (if proper cared it can last for years) If it really work it would really help us the seahorse lovers,and their frys. Dont ya think?? So im going to order them....they r quiet expensive as well.. so i want to make sure it really work before i buy them. WEll thanks alot!!
BWT herez wut OR's web site wrote about Tommy's brine shrimp kit, do u think it can really work?
"These breeding brine shrimp are continuosly producing brine shrimp eggs that will hatch and grow into more breeding adults. This cycle takes about 3 to 4 weeks. You can harvest the offspring at any size for feeding your baby seahorses, dwarfs, and other fish.
With proper care your culture will produce for several years! Tommy,s cultures are already going for over 5 years..producing artemia every day! Truly Amazing!!"
anyone knows any other similiar product or just as good please let me know. Thanks again!!


With seahorses, you have to be sure the eggshell, or husk, doesn't end up in the tank as it is bad for them. I haven't used a Tommy's, but I do have a hang-in brine shrimp hatchery that you may be interested in. Can't remember the manufacturer right now, but it is simple and produces baby brine on a continual basis that introduce themselves into your tank on their own as they mature. It costs about $25 at lfs' around here, but price may vary a little due to area differences. I will try to get ahold of the manufacturers name and post again, so you can ask your lfs to order you one if you want.
jeffandnance, most combination fish foods for saltwater fish are made primarily of shrimp, as it is the most abundant and widely accepted food source in nature, brine being the most common. Live baby brine, or artemia, are used for seahorses due to their nutritional value and small size, which is important as sea horses have very small mouths and throats. Normal-sized fish foods can become lodged in a sea horse mouth/throat, resulting in the death of the animal.


It works great. I use it to supplement my mandarin dragonet and my corals and anemones in my 100 gal reef. They have all gone crazy since I put it in. You simply attach an airline, fill it with tank water, put in a few scoops(measuring scoop provided) of brine eggs, and it's up and running. Every day I put another scoop of eggs in to keep them hatching, which takes them about 18-24 hours to hatch. Once a week I take it out of the tank and rinse the shell husks out and put it back in. Very simple operation. Still looking the manufacturer up, been a bit busy. Overall I have really liked it.


I also have a sea horse tank. The brine shrimp you feed the sea horses have to be vitamin enriched. I choose to feed my sea horses ghost shrimp. Even my smallest sea horse can eat them. They also have more nutrition than brine shrimp.
To keep the ghost shrimp alive i buy a whole bunch and put them in a bucket with an air stone. If i ever find and pregnent shrimp i out them in a little floating breeder and wait till i see baby shrimp then i put the mother back in with the others.
Lately i have only been make monthly visits to my lfs to pick up ghost shrimp becuase i have not found to me pregnent ones lately.
What type of sea horses are you keeping? I have one mustang and 2 i forgot there name but they are yellow and have tiger stripes on there snouts.


Couldn't you just put a little Zoe or something like that in with the brine shrimp to improve their nutritional value?


Active Member
i think this is the one you are talking about shadow? if it is, i have used it and i love it, it continously supplies shrimp for fish, corals, and anemones.


Oh hey yeah! lol Sorry, completely forgot about that...been rather busy past couple of days. Yep, that's it, and it works wonderfully. Makes a very noticeable difference in the health of my inverts.