brine shrimp or not?


I feed my fish frozen brine shrimp amoung other things and lately I have seen tiny wiggly things on the front glass of the tank. A girl (that doesn't have a s/w tank) said that she thought they were brine shrimp growing from eggs that were frozen in the food. Sound right? What should I do - leave it be or rub it off.


Active Member
Denise, I don't think it will be brine shrimp.
In a mature saltwater aquarium you get all kinds of really neat stuff growing, it is good for your tank. I won't even pretend to know all the different names of the stuff, there is so much of it.. Leave it. Lisa


depending on what they look like they could be cociopods, amphoids and ect they are all good and do serve a purpose in a fish tank. They can look like small shrimp to tiny bugs depending on what they are. (sorry not sure about the spelling its late.)


Yes I have the mysis to, and some people shrimp and blood worms and formula and dry nuggets and flakes. They are whitish and wiggly and stick to the glasses.


how small are they? are they this big - if so they are copapods or are they this big __ if so they are amphropods. :D


New Member
In my Trek (advanced) science class, the students have raised Brine shrimp. When Brinies are first hatched, they are approx. 1 mm long. At their greatest full adult size, they would be about 1 cm long. We had one group of students who were able to keep their Brine Shrimp alive for nearly the entire school year last year. Believe it or not, they stayed alive by eating the bubble algae thet grew on the inside of the container, in a completely self-contained ecosystem. We were able to see adults swimming around, carrying their egg sacks of their backs. However, in reference to Your friend's observations, i do not believe that the brine shrimp would be able to survive the freezing process. It is most likely mysis shrimp or copepods. Brinies have almost a "wriggling T" shape to them, as my current Trek class is discovering now. :D