brine shrimp problem?


New Member
yeah so I bought a tube of brine shrimp so i can give my aquarium a treat once in a while, well my kid decided to pour the whole tube in the aqu arium last night while i wasnt in the room, now at least half have hatched and i need to know if this is going to crash my tank do to them eating too many nuetriants and if so what can i do. I noticed the eggs this morning but had to get to work.


Likely you'll be okay. But I don't know how big a tube is. What do you have in the tank that will eat them? How often are you doing water changes?
I would do water changes more frequently, other than that it's not the end of the world.
Monitor your trites, trates and ammonia, change water as necessary.


New Member
6 GMs of eggs...i'm guessing grams with an incorrect symbol of it? in a 20 gallon tank. I have a small anemone and 6-10 blue legs hermits and 3 damsels 15 lbs of live sand, 20 lbs of live rock. oh and about 10 snails.


6 grams in a 20 gallon tank is A LOT. I put less than that in an empty tank one time as an experimnet to raise them and it crashed the empty tank and stunk to high heaven. I would get right on the water changes and keep up on them for some time!


New Member
I had the feeling that would be an answer i got, i was hoping my crabs would make a large dent before they hatched, i did notice them eating near where most eggs landed. Wish i had a much larger tank, better chance of successful recovery then. I also noticed one of my damsels may be getting effected too, breathing rather fast.


Active Member
You need to start mixing water for water changes. Aerate the water well before you do any water changes.
Watch your anemone closely....


Active Member
See if you can get a fine brine shrimp net and get most of them out of there. Or, you could put a micron filter pad in your filter to remove them then take the pad out before they rot in it and cause more of an amonia spike. Lesley


New Member
its too late at night for me to get supplies to filter or net them, a have my canister filter running hoping it will catch a good deal of them, but ammonia levels have all ready killed one of my damsels, another seems close to death and the other is always hiding so i am unsure of its condition, last i saw it, it didn't seem unhealthy though, i think i am going to start syphoning the water into a makeshift filter of paper towels and put the water back in the tank