brine shrimp seeds


my son has some brine shrimp seeds. it says to put in a bowl of saltwater and they hatch. can i feed these to my fish???


Active Member
What are brine shrimp seeds? Never heard of them before. Where did he get them from?


I think you are actullay talking about brine shrimp cysts that most LFS sell for people to hatch. Look up instructions on the net, there are tons of them on how to hatch. After that you can feed them to your fish, but they are extrmemly small. So I'm not sure if they are even big enough for the fishes to eat when they are first hatched. Most people use these to feed baby fish and inverts.


they came in some kind of play kit like sea monkeys. they look like little seeds, i guess they would have to be eggs. all the instructions say is add teaspoon of salt and let sit i window sill for a day. they have hatched and now he is supposed to feed them these little pellets.