Brine Shrimp worthless as food?


New Member
I've been told frozen brine shrimp is basically crap as a food source. If you look on the label it has less than 5% protein, which seems REALLY low to have any nutritious value. Brine shrimp isn't my only source as food, but is it even worthwhile to use it? I've also been told it can be a source of nitrates. Any opinions?


It adds nitrates if you over feed as will all food. Variety is the key. Rotate and change the food every now and then. Some fish only eat brine and things like that. And most all fish will eat it. Its the most popular saltwater food I think.


Active Member
You are both right, Its popular and useless.
I don't use it in my reef tank as it has no real food value and therefor a waste of money.


Active Member
BurnNspy, what do you feed your fish? I alternate formula one & two, spirulina flake, brine (soaked in zoe) and nori. I too beleive you must offer a wide varity of foods to keep all tank inhabitents healthy. :D
[ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: fishfreek ]


Active Member
Now I agree that brine is not the best nor should it ever be the only food you use. A lfs owner once told me it is like candy for fish and I have never forgotten that statement. I do find it great tho to get a new fish started on eating, and since I have access to as much live as I want each week from my friendly lfs owner (who loves the money I spend and lets me take whatever brine I want) I do use it as a extra for my fish alternated with live blackworms as secondary food along with the more nutrious foods I feed.
Hey Skimmedout, try looking for Mysis frozen shrimp. Its 100% better than brine and all my fish from my Antenatta to my Dwarf Angels love it, I also feed it to my Anemone. :D


when i do use frozen brine i soak it in ZOE. would this make it not so worthless, or is there a better food i should use? should i use formula 1 and 2 instead?




the one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is the finicky fish scenario. i have a coral beauty that will only eat flakes and brine shrimp, so i use the brine shrimp as a vehicle to deliver vitamins and essential fatty acids by soaking the shrimp in a solution before feeding. brine shrimp enriched in this way, in my opinion, is a valuable method for delivering nutrients and vitamins to fish that can be problematic to feed.
I usually raise brine shrimp as a treat for my fish, but they are a pain in the ass to keep alive. The lfs sells a cup of live brine for .8. But then it is a few bucks worth of gas to get to the store, especially because it is at the other end of the damn state. Don't mind me im just baord.


Active Member
adam; I get live brine once a week at my lfs (the day he gets it I get mine). After a few years I found that if I put it in new mixed saltwater in a 1 or 2 gallon plastic critter container with a cheap air pump with a airstone in the container my brine stays fresh, alive, and useable for a week till I get new batch. The cost to set this up was about 12 bucks. Now my guy since I buy a lot from him lets me scoop out what I feel I need and charges me for just one portion (2.70) so believe me I have enough to do all my tanks every other day for a week and still have to dump some at end of week. But even a normal lfs portion would stay alive in that type set up and that way you get your moneys worth of use out of it.