Brine .... ???


I have seen brine eggs for sale in a couple of stores, is there any advantage to feeding live baby brine compared to frozen brine ? If the live baby brine were added to a refuge would they establish a life cycle and provide the main tank with sometype of continued supply ? Would adding them to a refuge have an overall benefical or detramental effect ? thanks, michael


alo0t of the times baybe fish or sea horses are fed baybe brine so they sell the eggs so you can have a constant supply, brine at the LFS is also non benificial at all, when you grow your own you can feed them vitamin enriched plankton or other foods, increasing their nutrients,
and in the fuge they will die, and polute the tank, search on good, about how to culture your own, its quit interesting/fun/ and educational, brings me back to the good old days of Sea monkeys!


I've also been told adding Fe to a refugium will promote caulerpa growth but also been warned against it aswell.


nope, phytoplankton muct be bought or cultures, i cultur my own, there are inverts in the fuge and maint ank that eats the phyto, also zooplankton and micro fuana eat plankton, plankton needs to be in a seperate tank or individual bottles, i culture my own plankton and its fairly easy....


oh iron, dont add anything you dont test for! just do regular water changes, 5% water changes are good and replace used up minerals and trace elements,
Culturing your own plankton is SOOO easy, but you have to do a search for it on Google or Yahoo. i would post a couple sites and articals but i cant, against regualtions.


i hatch baby brine.
my fish enjoy eating this more than anything else.
my fish dont touch the adult brine, but feeds frenzily on the babies. i also see my zoanthids feasting on some baby brine.