Bring Out The Saddles!!!


Active Member
Hey, today I bought a sea horse, the common name is black sea horse. S(he) has a lump type thing on its head and a black dorsal fin; i think the LFS called it. So he is all black (i saw some pics of black sea horses with blue 'dorsal fin'> fin on back...) neways, i m curious if it is a he or a she because the LFS said it was a he and as big as its gunna get. Eh WRONG, i read something that black seahorses could get as big as a foot. How do I tell if it is a he or a she, ne tips on feeding since they are so slow?, ne tips on anything would be quite kind toooo, please help... Ummmm, I think that is about it... I just really want to know everything about this guy or girl so I could give it the best. :)
When sexing a seahorse, look for a pouch on the stomach, the presence of a pouch usually means it's a male since they carry the babies there. As for how to feed it, try spot feeding it mysis or brine shrimp. If it's alone in the tank, and live prey is put in there, it will willingly chase it. Also, go to the site It has all kinds of information and help on seahorses. HTH :)


Active Member
Oh, I really wish you had not done this.
Seahorses should not be an impulse buy, and they should, IMO, go into a species only tank.
It will be hard to feed with other, faster, more aggressive fish. And they require specialized feeding, especially if they are not captive raised. It is quite possible if it is from an LFS that it is not captive raised.
In general, seahorses need a constant supply of food, low flow, pristine water conditions, and an overall calm tank...not likely with a clown and damsels at least. You can not have major fluctuations in water parameters. Learn to hatch brine shrimp, because many will not take frozen. Also look into small ghost shrimp. You will, most likely, need to have a constant supply of live food. Look into ways to fortify the brine.
Having a seahorse, IMO, severely limits any other plans for your tank.
IMO, return it, immediately, and start planning a seahorse tank. Otherwise, return your other fish, large hermits, etc.
But above all, your tank needs to stabilize and mature.
I really, really wish you had not done this. :(


Active Member
Oh man! I think I should go to the LFS, than come home quickly... consult u and then go buy it, lmao. I am definetly a problem when it come to impulse shopping. The LFS said it would be okay too! Oh man! He said if i could keep a mandarin than i could keep a seahorse!
Seahorses should not be an impulse buy. When yours dies, and it will, I hope you understand that it did not have a chance. Your callous attitude when given good sound advice by Ophiura shows that you really could care less anyway. Seahorses need people that care, to have them.
Yes, the LFS said that it would do fine for you, they make money that way.
As far as consulting someone here, no one said that, but you may want to try to research the needs of a fish before you buy it. Incidently, black is a color, not a variety, many seahorses can change to the color black.


Active Member
first of all, most people try to give constructive criticism but man... chill. If you want all the details go to the first message board, go to seahorse dilemma. Man...


Active Member
oh yeah buddy, its hippocampus spinosissimus. I was introduced the seahorse as being a blacksea horse so i thought it was a common name.


Active Member
last remark and i will shut up: A wise man once wrote:
I am an expert though the knowledge gained by experimentation but it doeesn't make me any more dedicated, interested, or capable. To me there is a big difference between an expert and a self-important 'pro'. An expert is the type of person who will tell a new haobbyist, "Do'nt be afriad to try aquatic species that interest you. Let me know what you choose and I will help you as much as I can." The arrogant pro would tell the same hobbyist that particular marine species are too difficult for them to handle.--- :Olive Winterwood... Taking the plunge, TFH
So the quesiton is, what are you trying to be. The type that helps or the type that criticises?
The type that suggests you do your research first. That is wisdom, not criticism.
Criticism would be me, telling you, that you do not have a clue as to what you got yourself into. For example, the fact that the tankmates are totally inappropriate. Too aggressive for a docile slow feeder. Or the fact that you do not even know the size your horse will end up, so therefore, how do you know if your tank could even handle it, or water current, or water temp.(horses vary in the water temp area)..or whether or not it is CB or WC, as the feeding is different for each...or that horses like to be in "herds" so yours will most likely be quite lonely, if it lives long in your haste to buy something at the LFS, you have doomed it to die...Now that, would be criticism.


Active Member
no body, spending an hour with the LFS and trying to understand everything I could and almost expecting the LFS to know what he is talking about is research. Why should i trust people accross the country over someone who has been in this business and i know does good tanks (if that made sense). I am aware they are very vulnerable to water changes. i am aware they prefer herds and i ordered more to come in next week. He was the last one. I was told they got as big as it is but i found out it gets as large as a foot. The current is no problem, and there definetely was haste. But hey, before u insulted u should have done research as i recommended. I explaiend all of that he talked me into it and guarenteed it would work out.
It's like u going into ur LFS and him recommending say a coral catfish. You ahve never heard of this and he tells you EVERYTHING about them, adds in a few inaccurate details but does not tell you they grow large and their poison is worse than a lionfish. BUt he has told you everything is alright. THat is what happened buddy. I had no intention in getting this until he convinced me this would be a perfect add in for my tank. So before you criticise, try to help like ophioura; since you used her name. Man, i would call u an arrogant pro but i think the word pro would be an insult to people like ophioura.
Sorry, guess we are way different. I do not buy ANYTHING, until I have read up on it. No, I do not take other peoples opinions as gospel, but there are other sources to go to. If I read the same thing 15 times, written in assorted different pieces of literature, I will trust what I have read.
I make sure that I can supply what is needed, whether it is food, lighting, or appropriate tankmates.
I work at a petstore on weekends, I have heard the BS that is spewed forth from the owners mouth just to make a sale.
But is your soup, season it well.


Active Member
I know what you mean. I have three jobs, walmart in electronics and a petstore (no fish surprisingly). BUt i don't lie and i say everything that is needed. I just snazz it up a bit. Today, I was targetted by someone who had no morrals and wanted that fish gone and now iwll not take it back. All i m trying to say is that i m trying to do something, i have spent hours on the interent trying to find ways to hook up a second tank and finding sizes for it and etc. I am trying to correct this mistake and I will not let it die. I love and care for creatures too much for that and I refuse to repeat my CC mistake (Ophioura). I m just trying to fit things together to make it work for him or her.