bringing it back post pics of clowns and anenomes here!!!!


Active Member
Yup, they're even located on the east coast in Florida. They only sell wholesale to retailers though, not to hobbyists.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
I figured but my lfs will order from a distribter if I ask can you email me any info on them If you cant then its fine I am just tring to help him out
The only place your LFS can get CB picassos from is directly from ORA Farms, no other distributer has them. Tell him to call up ORA to become a dealer and for their stock list. They also raise a lot of other fish, corals, and clams, too.
There are wild caught picassos (basically just misbars with a lot of white), but they're extremely rare.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
ok ill tag along this cool thread

Hey... your Anemone is a lil too small for those clownfish, i would sugest either getting a bigger anemone or smaller clowns. I read that an anemone should be about 5+X the size of the clownfish they are hosting and in your case it looks backward clowns are about 5x bigger then anemone. but it looks cool anyway. lol


lol, that is quite a mismatch...
5x eh? lol... I think my condi's got my tomato by about 100:1.... lol....


Active Member
i no the first pic the anenome is was to small (it was free also)
so i got the PTA which is in the last pictures but my clown loves them

reef diver

Active Member
My cown hosts everything, hes got my anemone, my frogspawn, my pipe organs, my coralbanded shrim(IM SERIOUS), my kenya tree, and a un id coral


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
i no the first pic the anenome is was to small (it was free also)
so i got the PTA which is in the last pictures but my clown loves them
ya i known ur clowns probably love it but the thing is that your anemone is suffering from having those 2 huge clowns in it.

reef diver

Active Member
It looks pretty healthy to me, and I thought that thats not true, what would maroon clowns do? I think its only bad if the clown is nibbling on the anemone.