brisltle worms


Active Member
I have not personally tried this, but I have read where others have had success with the following....
Put a small amount of food into a piece of panty hose, tie it off in a knot, and put in near where you are seeing the bristle worms. Check it late at night. Snails, crabs, etc. will be all over it, but bristle worms tend to get their "bristles" snagged up in the tiny mesh netting of the hose. This will give you time to scoop them out of there before they can figure out how to untangle themselves.


Well-Known Member
Why do you want to get rid of them? They are an important part of your cuc. If they are growing, it is because they are scavenging waste that would otherwise foul your water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Why do you want to get rid of them? They are an important part of your cuc. If they are growing, it is because they are scavenging waste that would otherwise foul your water.
This is true. I still have several myself. But occassionally some of those jokers can get big and really creepy

just a nano

From time to time I have sucked some out with a turkey baster. I don't worry about getting them all, but if I start seeing them regularly, I take them out. I'm sure there are more that I don't see that are part of the CUC.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Why do you want to get rid of them? They are an important part of your cuc. If they are growing, it is because they are scavenging waste that would otherwise foul your water.

And a large population could be an indicator of overfeeding.
Keep 'em and watch them.