Brissle worm


What do Bristle worms look like and are they bad. I saw a small worm (only for a sec. or so) today, about 2 cm long reddish brown and it was all legs, like a centipede. Does this sound like a bristle worm?


Active Member
Sounds like a Bristle worm to me. IMO they are great detritus eaters and are a good thing to have.


Active Member
Sounds like a bristle worm to me too... good things to have, just don't touch them! Their sting packs a punch...


Active Member
For some reason there are mixed opinions on bristleworms. I've noticed this from the massive 3 months I've been in the hobby. Pretty much everyone on here says keep them, but EVERY LFS I go to looks at me like I'm on crack when I ask if they have any bristleworms I can take off of their hands. They 'hate' them and they make sure you know it.