Bristal worms


So how do i control Bristal worms? Iv got soo many of them and i want to bring their numbers down. Da problem is that I dont know how. So the question is what do i do?
Any suggestions/ideas any one. Please feel free to as many ideas as possible.


Their are a couple things that you can do. One option is cutting back on the food. Brisstle worms live off leftover food, so if you cut back on the food, you will cut back on the worms. Another thing you can do is get an animal that eats them. A six line wrasse works great for this. I had one and it dessimated my worm population.


Active Member
you can also put a bristle worm trap out in your tank at night with some bait.... its basically a piece of pvc piping that has caps at the end with a few holes drilled into it put some food in the pvc pipe put the caps on and set it in the tank at night.... in the morning take it out and discard the worms....
they find there way in but they cant seem to find the way out once in.... other wise do as stated before feed less..... thats a long term way to cut down but for immediate use the trap


Active Member
Along with what was said, I believe arrow crabs work too (Not sure if completely reef safe, so check first). Just remember that BW are good to have and IMO the feeding less is a better way to go. I feed a small amount a few times at 1 feeding to minimize the uneaten food. HTH


Ya know what. I probably wouldn't mind the BW i have in mine tank if the sucker wasn't atleast a foot long already. . . I would like to get rid of it also. But i think those BW traps are meant for smaller ones. . .