bristile worms

captn bob

I''ve seen a lot of bristle worms show up lately I know they help clean the tank to but I.d like to put some kind of a crittter in there to keep them in check. I do a water change weekly along with water tests and the prams. are good I feed 2 times a day and try not to over due it but realize some uneaten food particals drift behind the rocks where the fish can't get at it I have a 24gal. tank with a firefish a small clown ,an a yellow goby does anyone have any ideas? thanks


Active Member
your geeting a lot of bristle worms because twice a day is considered by most over feeding, cut back to once a day or once every other day, the bristle wornm population will not out grow its food source, if your having a population bloom it means there is a lot of food for them to eat. controll species for bristle worms isnt really a good idea, as most only eat babies, and add to your bio load as well as how much you end up feeding your tank, adding more food/waste for the worms, enlarging the population rather than diminishing it signifigantly. feed less and the population will slowly decline.


Active Member
You most likely are overfeeding if you are seeing a significant increase in bristle worms. I would suggest cutting back on how much/often you feed you tank. 6-line wrasse and CBS are bristle worms predators. Arrow crabs may be also, but I'm not 100% certain of that one. If you are overfeeding and decide to put in one of the above predators, you most likely will experience a decline in water quality.