bristle shrimp and mantis worms


New Member
why are bristle shrimp and mantis worms so undessirable to have on your live rock? do they hurt fish or harm your tank why are they so unwanted?


I think you ment BRISTLE WORMS and MANTIS SHRIMP.... the worms are just a pain because they are also called "FIRE" worms because if you touch them it stings and feels like fire...... the mantis shrimp will prey on anything in your tank and eat it up..... when it gets bigger and you don't want to feed him a 80 doller angel or something like that....... if you suspect that you have one tie a piece of fishing line to a piece of fish or something and in the morning you will see it going into a space of a rock ,, get some boiling water in a saringe and squirt it into the space and ........... .... ... ... ... ...BYE BYE !!!! Mr.Mantis....
Originally posted by gabe:
why are bristle shrimp and mantis worms so undessirable to have on your live rock? do they hurt fish or harm your tank why are they so unwanted?


I had a mantis shrimp come with a piece of live rock that I bought from my LFS, luckily I noticed it before I put the rock in my tank... I did some reading on these guys and they pack a blow as strong as a 22 calibur bullet being shot!

One guy saw a mantis in the ocean while he was scuba diving and tried to pick it up; he wound up with a 1/4 in. cut that went to a bone in his finger. Another story that I found was a man that owned a pet store in the UK and he came to work one day and found that a mantis broke out of the tank. It seems all they need is a large aquarium to get a powerful run.


what does a mantis shrimp look like. I found a creature that looks like a crab in a piece of LR that came with my yellow coral.